

Environmental Permitting Regulations - Waste Sites Quarterly Summary


A waste management licence was a legal document issued under the Environmental Protection Act 1990. A licence authorised the treatment keeping or disposal of waste in or on the land. The Environmental Permitting Regulations (EPR) regulating waste sites came into force on 6 April 2008. The new regime combines a number of earlier permitting / licensing regimes including this one. Other related datasets available are: - EPR Industrial Sites (formerly PPC) - Water Quality and Pollution Control (Discharge Consents) This is a quarterly snapshot of effective permitted waste sites in England. Attribution Statement: © Environment Agency copyright and/or database right 2022. All rights reserved.

Resource type


Resource locator

protocol: WWW:LINK-1.0-http--link

name: EPR Waste Sites - Quarterly Summary - End June 2022

description: EPR Waste Sites - Quarterly Summary - End June 2022

Unique resource identifier




Dataset language


Spatial reference system

code identifying the spatial reference system

Classification of spatial data and services

Topic category



Keyword set

keyword value

Waste Operations

Waste licences


closed landfill



originating controlled vocabulary


GEMET - Themes version 2.4

reference date

date type


effective date


Geographic location

West bounding longitude


East bounding longitude


North bounding latitude


South bounding latitude



Extent group

authority code

code identifying the extent


Temporal reference

Temporal extent

Begin position


End position


Dataset reference date

date type


effective date


date type


effective date


Frequency of update


Quality and validity


Waste operations defined under the Environmental Permitting Regulations 2010.


Data format

name of format

Open format | MS Excel (XLSX)

version of format

Constraints related to access and use

Constraint set

Use constraints

<a href=""> Environment Agency Conditional Licence </a>

Constraint set

Limitations on public access

<a href=""> Environment Agency Conditional Licence </a> Special conditions: 1. You may use the Information for your internal or personal purposes and may only sublicense others to use it if you do so under a written licence which includes the terms of these conditions and the agreement and in particular may not allow any period of use longer than the period licensed to you. 2. The period of permitted use is one year. 3. We have restricted use of the Information as a result of legal restrictions placed upon us to protect the rights or confidentialities of others. If you contact us in writing (this includes email) we will, as far as confidentiality rules allow, provide you with details including, if available, how you might seek permission from a third party to extend your use rights. 4. This condition does not apply if use is limited to use that is authorised by any statute or use that does not require a licence from us.

Constraint set

Use constraints

<a href=""> Environment Agency Conditional Licence </a> Special conditions: 1. You may use the Information for your internal or personal purposes and may only sublicense others to use it if you do so under a written licence which includes the terms of these conditions and the agreement and in particular may not allow any period of use longer than the period licensed to you. 2. The period of permitted use is one year. 3. We have restricted use of the Information as a result of legal restrictions placed upon us to protect the rights or confidentialities of others. If you contact us in writing (this includes email) we will, as far as confidentiality rules allow, provide you with details including, if available, how you might seek permission from a third party to extend your use rights. 4. This condition does not apply if use is limited to use that is authorised by any statute or use that does not require a licence from us.

Constraint set

Limitations on public access

<a href=""> Environment Agency Conditional Licence </a> Special conditions: 1. You may use the Information for your internal or personal purposes and may only sublicense others to use it if you do so under a written licence which includes the terms of these conditions and the agreement and in particular may not allow any period of use longer than the period licensed to you. 2. The period of permitted use is one year. 3. We have restricted use of the Information as a result of legal restrictions placed upon us to protect the rights or confidentialities of others. If you contact us in writing (this includes email) we will, as far as confidentiality rules allow, provide you with details including, if available, how you might seek permission from a third party to extend your use rights. 4. This condition does not apply if use is limited to use that is authorised by any statute or use that does not require a licence from us.

Responsible organisations

Responsible party

organisation name

Environment Agency

email address

web address

description: Defra Data Services Forum

responsible party role


Metadata on metadata

Metadata point of contact

organisation name

Environment Agency

email address

responsible party role


Metadata date


Metadata language
