

2010 - 2010 Centre for Environment, Fisheries & Aquaculture Science (Cefas) Irish Sea Fish Egg Production Survey 2010


This survey series took place from 2006 to 2010 and consisted of 15 voyages. Plankton samples were collected at each site on a planned survey grid. This data consists of the numbers of fish eggs and larvae, along with associated positional data and volumes filtered. A fine mesh (80 micron) 'PUP' sampler, attached to the frame of the Gulf VII sampler, was used to collect plankton samples for analysis of zooplankton species. These were analysed under Cefas contract C3576 and are recorded separately.

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Unique resource identifier




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Spatial reference system

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code identifying the spatial reference system


Classification of spatial data and services

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Keyword set

keyword value

Keyword set

keyword value

originating controlled vocabulary


SeaDataNet P021 parameter discovery vocabulary

reference date

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effective date


Keyword set

keyword value

originating controlled vocabulary


GEMET, version 1.0

reference date

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effective date


Geographic location

West bounding longitude


East bounding longitude


North bounding latitude


South bounding latitude



Extent group

authority code


SeaVoX Vertical Co-ordinate Coverages

reference date

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effective date


code identifying the extent

Temporal reference

Temporal extent

Begin position


End position


Dataset reference date

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effective date


Frequency of update


Quality and validity


The main aims for these cruises were to; - Conduct a plankton survey using a 76cm Gulf VII plankton sampler to determine the distribution and abundance of cod (- *Gadus Morhua*- )- ,- haddock (- *Melanogrammus aeglefinus*- ), and plaice (- *Pleuronectes platessa*- ) eggs. - Remove stage 1A and 1B gadoid-like eggs from fresh plankton samples at sea. To measure, stage and preserve these eggs in ethanol prior to species identification using a DNA technique on return to the laboratory (CEFAS). **CORYSTES Cruise 06/2010:** All 106 stations were successfully sampled, giving complete coverage of strata A, B, C, D and E. In total 1178 gadoid like fish eggs in early development stages 1A & 1B, between 1.10 and 1.75mm diameter were removed and individually preserved in ethanol. A plankton sample and PUP sample were preserved at each station. **CORYSTES Cruise 15/2010:** All 106 stations were successfully sampled, giving complete coverage of strata A, B, C, D and E. In total 403 gadoid like fish eggs in early development stages 1A & 1B, between 1.10 and 1.75mm diameter were removed and individually preserved in ethanol. A plankton sample and PUP sample were preserved at each station. **CEFAS ENDEAVOUR Cruise 02/2010:** Plankton sampling with the Gulf VII began at 15:35h 20 January, at 53º 15'N, 04º 50'W. The plankton sampler was equipped with a Valeport CTD, a self-logging environmental package (ESM2 logger) and a fine 80μm mesh, ‘Pup’ sampler collected supplementary environmental data and biological samples at each station. 106 plankton stations were completed, covering the whole Irish Sea from 53º 00'N to 55º 00'N, with 270μm samples being collected on each station. The pup sampler or its flowmeter were not available on every station resulting in 93 samples being taken with the 80μm mesh net. Fish eggs in early development stages and between 1.1 and 1.75mm diameter were removed and individually preserved in ethanol. A total of 182 eggs were obtained during this cruise. **CEFAS ENDEAVOUR Cruise 05/2010:** 106 plankton stations were completed, covering the whole Irish Sea from 53º 00'N to 55º 00'N. Fish eggs in early development stages and between 1.1 and 1.75mm diameter were removed and individually preserved in ethanol). A total of 3997 eggs were obtained during this cruise. **CEFAS ENDEAVOUR Cruise 07/2010:** 106 plankton stations were completed, covering the whole Irish Sea from 53º 00'N to 55º 00'N. The pup sampler flowmeter worked well on this cruise resulting in 104 samples being taken with the 80μm mesh net. Fish eggs in early development stages and between 1.1 and 1.75mm diameter were removed and individually preserved in ethanol. A total of 537 eggs were obtained during this cruise. An article has been published on this set of surveys, detailed as follows. Irish Sea: the effects of modelling choices and assumptions D.L. Maxwell*, M.J. Armstrong*, S. Beggs and J.N. Aldridge* (2011) Fisheries Research (Special Issue on Egg Production Methods for Estimating Fish Biomass) 117-118; 146-156


Data format

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Constraints related to access and use

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Use constraints

Public data (Crown Copyright) - Open Government Licence Terms and Conditions apply

Constraint set

Limitations on public access

Public data (Crown Copyright) - Open Government Licence Terms and Conditions apply

Responsible organisations

Metadata on metadata

Metadata point of contact

contact position

Data Manager

organisation name

Centre for Environment, Fisheries & Aquaculture Science

full postal address

Cefas Lowestoft Laboratory

Pakefield Road


NR33 0HT


telephone number

+44 (0)1502 562244

email address

responsible party role


Metadata date


Metadata language
