

Third UK Habitats Directive report (2013) - Habitat distribution boundary data


This dataset contains the distribution map data for all the Habitats included as part of the 3rd UK Habitats Directive Report submitted to the European Commission in 2013. Every six years, all EU Member States are required (under Article 17 of the Directive) to report on the implementation of the EU Habitats Directive. Most of the data are at the 10km square resolution and based on a standardised EU wide grid rather than GB and Ireland Grids. The Report considered the conservation status of all terrestrial and marine habitats listed under Annex I of the Directive that were present within the UK during the reporting period (2007-2012). This included: *69 terrestrial habitats within the UK Atlantic region; *8 marine habitats within the UK Marine Atlantic region;

Resource type


Resource locator


Unique resource identifier




Dataset language


Spatial reference system

code identifying the spatial reference system

Additional information source

Classification of spatial data and services

Topic category



Keyword set

keyword value




European Reporting

Article 17


Habitats Directive

Geographic location

West bounding longitude


East bounding longitude


North bounding latitude


South bounding latitude


Temporal reference

Temporal extent

Begin position


End position


Dataset reference date

date type


effective date


Frequency of update

Quality and validity


UK distribution maps were created to show the occurrence of terrestrial habitats at a 10-km square scale, based on the British National Grid projection. The squares used were identified by the Statutory Nature Conservation Bodies from a variety of sources (as specified in the country-level reporting information). A standardised method was used to convert the UK distribution maps into the European ETRS grid for submission to the EC (see Appendix 5 of the UK Approach document for details). For the 8 marine habitats, existing UK distribution maps were used to directly populate ETRS 10-km grid squares. The ETRS distribution map data was assembled into a shape file covering both terrestrial and marine habitats. The method used to create the distribution maps was based on four categories: · 3 = complete survey (NB: if survey information was ‘near-complete’ this category was selected); · 2 = estimate based on partial data with some extrapolation and/or modelling; · 1 = estimate based on expert opinion with no or minimal sampling; · 0 = absent data. In general, this was assessed by considering how complete/representative the 10-km square data was of the actual distribution of the habitat. The category selected at a UK-level was based on an aggregation of the corresponding categories selected by the Statutory Nature Conservation Bodies (as detailed in the country-level reporting information). This was achieved by: (i) converting the categories assigned at a country-level to the corresponding value (i.e. 3, 2, 1, or 0); (ii) weighting (multiplying) these values by the proportion of habitat in each country based on the surface area (see 2.3.1) (or, where this was incomplete, the count of 10-km squares at a country-level or estimates of range surface area were used – see 2.2.2); and (iii) summing these weighted values and using this number and the following classes as a guide to select the UK category: 0 = absent data; >0-1.5 = estimate based on expert opinion with no or minimal sampling; >1.5-2.5 = estimate based on partial data with some extrapolation and/or modelling; >2.5 = complete survey. The period for the distribution map was based on the corresponding dates (years) given by the Statutory Nature Conservation Bodies for when a habitat was actually recorded or when this information was compiled (as detailed in the country-level reporting information). In many cases, records from before the 2007-2012 reporting period were included because it was considered likely that the habitat was still present, i.e. both known and suspected locations were included. The period selected at a UK-level was based on the earliest and latest year identified at a country-level.


Data format

name of format

ESRI Arc/View ShapeFile

version of format


Constraints related to access and use

Constraint set

Use constraints

Released under the Open Government Licence v3.0. Attribution statement: "Contains public sector data © JNCC/NE/NRW/SNH/DOENI. Licence: OGL"

Limitations on public access

no limitations

Responsible organisations

Responsible party

organisation name

Digital and Data Solutions, JNCC

email address

responsible party role


Metadata on metadata

Metadata point of contact

organisation name

Digital and Data Solutions, JNCC

email address

responsible party role


Metadata date


Metadata language
