

UK Offshore Marine Protected Areas


The following spreadsheet holds information on all offshore Marine Protected Areas in the UK (beyond 12 nautical miles from baseline). These include Marine Conservation Zones (MCZs), Nature Conservation Marine Protected Areas (NCMPAs) and Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) with marine components and Special Protection Areas (SPAs) with marine components. This also includes sites that cross the inshore/offshore waters (territorial seas) boundary. It was updated in May 2018 - for details of the update please see the Version Control sheet. Data includes: Site code, Site name, Site status, Country, CP2 Region, Feature type (broad), Feature type (specific), Marine features protected, Common name and Population type. A shapefile supports this dataset: Offshore MPAs.

Resource type


Resource locator

name: page-4661

Unique resource identifier




Dataset language


Spatial reference system

code identifying the spatial reference system

Additional information source

A shapefile supports this dataset: Offshore MPAs

Classification of spatial data and services

Topic category



Keyword set

keyword value


Protected Areas

Marine Protected Area


Geographic location

West bounding longitude


East bounding longitude


North bounding latitude


South bounding latitude


Temporal reference

Temporal extent

Begin position


End position


Dataset reference date

date type


effective date


Frequency of update

Quality and validity


Data has been sourced from country agencies and collated. Updates in each version: UKOffshoreMPAs_20180501_LIVE_WEB.xlsx - Southern North Sea, Bristol Channel Approaches / Dynesfeydd Môr Hafren, West Wales Marine / Gorllewin Cymru Forol, North Anglesey Marine / Gogledd Môn Forol and North Channel have been adopted by the EC, resulting in a change of status from cSAC to cSAC/SCI. UKOffshoreMPAs_20171204_LIVE_WEB.xlsx - New addition of Irish Sea Front SPA. New inclusion of Liverpool Bay SPA following a boundary extension. Site attribute changes to Croker Carbonate Slabs cSAC/SCI following a boundary amendment. Site attribute and feature data changes to Outer Thames Estuary SPA and Poole Harbour SPA following site extensions. Update to the status of the following sites now designated as full SACs, North-West Rockall Bank SAC, Wyville-Thomson Ridge SAC, Pobie Bank Reef SAC, Solan Bank Reef SAC, East Rockall Bank SAC, Anton Dohrn Seamount SAC, Bassurelle Sandbank SAC, Haisborough, Hammond & Winterton SAC, Inner Dowsing, Race Bank & North Ridge SAC, North Norfolk Sandbanks & Saturn Reef SAC, Dogger Bank SAC, Pisces Reef Complex SAC, and Wight-Barfleur Reef SAC. UKOffshoreMPAs_20170724_LIVE_WEB.xlsx - Skomer, Skokholm and the Seas off Pembrokeshire / Sgomer, Sgogwm a Moroedd Penfro formely known as Skokholm and Skomer SPA now extends into offshore waters. UKOffshoreMPAs_20170222_LIVE_WEB.xlsx - Added 5 candidate SACs submitted to the EC for protection of harbour porpoise. UKOffshoreMPAs_20160127_LIVE_WEB.xlsx - Update to the status of five offshore sites designated as full SACs. This version also follows the UK's submission of revised Natura2000 Standard Data Forms to the European Commission in Dec 15. UKOffshoreMPAs_20160117_LIVE_WEB.xlsx - "Addition of Tranche 2 Marine Conservation Zones. Addition of Outer Thames Estuary SPA and South Dorset MCZ joint inshore/offshore sites." UKOffshoreMPAs_24_03_15_LIVE_WEB.xlsx - "Creation of the spreadsheet too: - provide records of all designated offshore MPAs: site data and protected feature data - draw data from a live spreadsheet connected to the underlying databases" UKOffshoreMPAs_20150727_LIVE_WEB.xlsx - Haig Fras boundary change submitted to Europe - changed area, lat and long values.


Data format

name of format

Microsoft Excel for Windows

version of format


Constraints related to access and use

Constraint set

Use constraints

Re-use of the data is subject to the terms of the Open Government Licence v3.0 including attribution of the relevant copyright holders. If you re-use this information you must acknowledge the source in your product or application by including or linking to the following attribution statement: Contains Joint Nature Conservation Committee data © copyright and database right [2017]. Contains Natural England data © copyright and database right [2017]. Contains Scottish Natural Heritage data © copyright and database right [2017]. Contains Natural Resources Wales data © copyright and database right [2017]. Contains Northern Ireland Environment Agency data © copyright and database right [2017].

Limitations on public access

No limitations

Responsible organisations

Responsible party

organisation name

Digital and Data Solutions, JNCC

email address

responsible party role


Metadata on metadata

Metadata point of contact

organisation name

Digital and Data Solutions, JNCC

email address

responsible party role


Metadata date


Metadata language
