This non-exclusive report was purchased by the NSTA from Geostrat as part of the Data Purchase tender process (TRN097012017) that was carried out during Q1 2017. The contents do not necessarily reflect the technical view of the NSTA but the report is being published in the interests of making additional sources of data and interpretation available for use by the wider industry and academic communities.
The Geostrat report provides stratigraphic analyses and interpretations of data from the Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous Humber Group across the UK Central Graben and includes a series of depositional sequence maps for eight stratigraphic intervals. Stratigraphic interpretations and tops from 189 wells (up to Release 91) are also included in the report.
The outputs as published here include a full PDF report, ODM/IC .dat format sequence maps, and all stratigraphic tops (lithostratigraphy, ages, sequence stratigraphy) in .csv format for import into different interpretation platforms.
In addition, the NSTA has undertaken to provide the well tops, stratigraphic interpretations and sequence maps in shapefile format that is intended to facilitate the integration of these data into projects and data storage systems held by individual organisations who are using non-ESRI ArcGIS GIS software. As part of this process, the Geostrat well names have been matched as far as possible to the NSTA well names from the NSTA Offshore Wells shapefile (as provided on the NSTA’s Open Data website) and the original polygon files have been incorporated into an ArcGIS project. All the files within the GIS folder of this delivery have been created by the NSTA.
An ESRI ArcGIS version of this delivery, including geodatabases, layer files and map documents for well tops, stratigraphic interpretations and sequence maps is available on the NSTA’s Open Data website and is recommended for use with ArcGIS.
All releases included in the Data Purchase tender process that have been made openly available are summarised in a mapping application available from the NSTA website. The application includes an area of interest outline for each of the products and an overview of which wellbores have been included in the products.