This modelled fluvial flood depth data with climate change was created for the 1% annual chance of flooding situations and was produced as a by-product from the 2004 generalised modelling project. The purpose of the generalised modelling project was to fill the gaps where there was no detailed local modelled data in 2004, in order to define the extents of Flood Zones for spatial planning.
The purpose of this climate change data was to provide a high-level sensitivity analysis of the possible effects of climate change based on a 20% increase in peak flows in the fluvial modelling.
A two-dimensional hydrodynamic model called JFlow was used to produce this modelled fluvial flood depth data on a 5x5m grid.
Since 2004, some local detailed modelling projects have included scenarios for climate change however this climate change dataset has not been updated.
INFORMATION WARNING: This data is not suitable for identifying whether an individual property will flood due to climate change, for detailed decision making or for use in site specific Flood Risk or Strategic Flood Risk Assessments. Where this data is used further evidence, verification and studies should be undertaken. Climate change allowances have changed since this work was completed in 2004.
More recent, accurate and local detailed modelling depth data with climate change is available for some places. Please contact your local Environment Agency office to see if detailed modelling is available for your area of interest.
This metadata record is for Approval for Access product AfA480 2004 Climate Change 1 in 100 Fluvial Flood Depth Grids
Modelled fluvial flood depth data with climate change are available for the whole of England, however this data is for the 100x100km squared Ordnance Survey National Grid reference SJ. If you are interested in data for another grid reference refer to this Ordnance Survey National Grid document to find the relevant referencing code and search on again to download the data. Attribution statement: © Environment Agency copyright and/or database right 2016. All rights reserved. Some features of this information are based on digital spatial data licensed from the Centre for Ecology & Hydrology © NERC (CEH). Defra, Met Office and DARD Rivers Agency © Crown Copyright. © Cranfield University. © James Hutton Institute. Contains OS data © Crown copyright and database right 2015. Land & Property Services © Crown copyright and database right.