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Priority Habitats - HeathlandCSV

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Hab_Type Area_Hectares Area_Sq_Km GlobalID OBJECTID Shape__Area Shape__Length
Heathland 86.4 0.9 9d321afe-9652-4e59-8069-ad501a5d92ea 1 863876.726661682 5671.11979800416
Heathland 173.2 1.7 5f10d6dc-7573-45e8-b864-bcc15167b609 2 1731736.46808624 10061.5925934932
Heathland 202.9 2 3412a8ba-7c6d-498c-9ef0-1a548e50a15e 3 2029039.10444641 10811.2797958512
Heathland 114.3 1.1 b851fbaf-c853-4857-b92f-af4601ab9dd8 4 1143271.22631836 6348.15314888796