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Fishing Activity for UK Vessels 15m and over by ICES sub rectangle 2016 Web Feature Service (WFS)

This data set provides summaries of fishing activity for UK commercial fishing vessels of 15m and over in length that are deemed to have been fishing within a specified calendar year. These...

Private Registered Provider housing in the Cambridge housing sub-region

This data is based on the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA) Statistical Data Return (SDR) as at 31 March 2014. It provides a list of Private Registered Providers (FKA registered social landlords,...

Sub-regions (London Plan Consolidated with Alterations since 2004)

GLA sub-region boundaries as defined in The London Plan Consolidated with Alterations since 2004. Created by merging borough boundaries into five sub regions. Note that these sub-regions differ...

Seabed video GIS data from SW Approaches Reef (Canyons)

Seabed video GIS data from SW Approaches Reef (Canyons) (CE0705). The aims of the CE0705 ICES cruise were to acquire high resolution multibeam, sub-bottom profiler and camera data in the SW...

Seabed still images from SW Approaches Reef (Canyons)

Seabed still images from SW Approaches Reef (Canyons) (CE0705). The aims of the CE0705 ICES cruise were to acquire high resolution multibeam, sub-bottom profiler and camera data in the SW...

Raw multibeam files from SW Approaches Reef (Canyons)

Raw multibeam files from SW Approaches Reef (Canyons) (CE0705). The aims of the CE0705 ICES cruise were to acquire high resolution multibeam, sub-bottom profiler and camera data in the SW...

Processed bathymetry SD files from SW Approaches Reef (Canyons)

Processed bathymetry SD files from SW Approaches Reef (Canyons) (CE0705). The aims of the CE0705 ICES cruise were to acquire high resolution multibeam, sub-bottom profiler and camera data in the SW...

Taxon Reference Collection from SW Approaches Reef (Canyons)

Taxon Reference Collection from SW Approaches Reef (Canyons) (CE0705. The aims of the CE0705 ICES cruise were to acquire high resolution multibeam, sub-bottom profiler and camera data in the SW...

Processed bathymetry data from SW Approaches Reef (Canyons)

Processed bathymetry data from SW Approaches Reef (Canyons) (CE0705). The aims of the CE0705 ICES cruise were to acquire high resolution multibeam, sub-bottom profiler and camera data in the SW...

Central Area Character Areas

Character Areas within the Central Area as identified within the Central Area Action Plan.

Area committees (CIL areas)

The city is split into 9 areas using ward boundaries to provide an enhanced opportunity for local communities to have a greater say in the way services, and responses to local issues, are managed...


Summary The NFI definition of woodland is a minimum area of 0.5 hectares under stands of trees with, or with the potential to achieve, tree crown cover of more than 20% of the ground. Areas of...

Child Well-being Index (CWI) 2009: Material well-being domain

The proportion of children experiencing income deprivation. The material well-being index is a comprehensive, non-overlapping count of children living in households in receipt of both in-work and...

Coastal Physiographic Features - Coastal Lagoons

This shapefile shows the distribution of the Annex I habitat, coastal lagoons around the UK. Coastal lagoons are areas of shallow, coastal salt water, wholly or partially separated from the sea by...

Domestic Energy Performance Certificates Lodged on Register - By Floor Area

All Dwellings: Floor Area covered by Domestic Energy Performance Certificates lodged on the Register , in each Local Authority, in each Year/Quarter between 2008 and 2015 Q4. The Q4 2015...

2011 skills for life survey small area estimation datasets

These data are modelled estimates of literacy , numeracy and ICT skills in lower-level geographies in England. Small Area Estimation modelling methods have been applied to the 2011 Skills for Life...

Percentage change in average weekly earnings in Primary Urban Areas

Percentage change in average weekly earnings in Primary Urban Areas. Source agency: Communities and Local Government Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National...

Labour Force Survey Local Area Database (Northern Ireland)

Labour Market Statistics for Northern Ireland (employment, unemployment). Source agency: Enterprise, Trade and Investment (Northern Ireland) Designation: National Statistics Language:...

Additional Social Rent dwellings provided by local authority area

Statistics on: Additional social rented homes provided by local authority area

NI 186 Per capita CO2 emissions in the LA area

Percentage reduction of the per capita CO2 emissions in the Local Authority Area: The indicator being assessed will comprise of an annual reduction in CO2 emissions across an agreed set of sectors...