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DFID’s consolidated finance, procurement, project management and information reporting system, 2008 onwards.

Community action against crime: innovation fund successful applicants

The list of projects that successfully applied for a grant from the community action against crime innovation fund.

UK Search and Rescue (SAR) Data Site

Web-based data room for the UK SAR procurement project. Originally named GAP SAR

Marine Research Management and Information Tool (MaRMIT)

Internal database  of all reasearch and development projects commissioned by the Unit. The intention is for this to be available to all via the Defra website.

Department for Food, Environment and Rural Affairs (Defra) Omnicom - Defra Science Information System

Information on research projects across the Department for Food, Environment and Rural Affairs (Defra) from Defra's Science information system

European Regional Development Fund 2007-2013 'MCIS' system

Web-based database of ERDF 2007-2013 claims, payments and irregularities containing data relating to project applicants and grants

Prison Statistics and Prison Population Projections, Scotland

This publication contains figures on the Scottish prison population, including daily average population by type of custody and establishment, characteristics of prisoners and receptions...

Population and Household Projections for Scotland's National Parks

National Parks population and household projections Source agency: National Records of Scotland Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National Statistics Language:...

OGTC Missed Pay Project Energective Data

The data provide in the downloadable zip files are artefacts of the OGTC Overlooked Pay Project and comprise data gathered and data conditioned by Sword IT Solutions and Energective.The data...

OGTC Missed Pay Project Sword IT Data

The data provide in the downloadable zip files are artefacts of the OGTC Overlooked Pay Project and comprise data gathered and data conditioned by Sword IT Solutions and Energective.The data...

NYMNPA This Exploited Land of Iron Project Area

Supported by the Heritage Lottery Fund, North York Moors National Park Authority, David Ross Foundation and other partners The landscape area is 18,252 hectares. The current delivery period runs...

2016 based Population Projections for Northern Ireland

National population projections by age and gender are produced every two years for the UK and each of the UK constituent countries by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) on behalf of the...

2018 based Population Projections for Northern Ireland

National population projections by age and gender are produced every two years for the UK and each of the UK constituent countries by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) on behalf of the...

Household Projections for Northern Ireland: 2016-based

Projected number of households by size and type are available for the current 11 Local Government Districts and Northern Ireland as a whole, for the period 2016 to 2041.

UKCS Petroleum Systems Project: Year 1

The deliverables from the first year of the UKCS Petroleum Systems Project are being released in support of the 32nd Licensing Round. This initial year was carried out in collaboration with Lloyd’s...

Marital Status Population Projections for England & Wales

Marital status projections are produced for England and Wales and cover both legal marital status and (opposite sex) co-residential cohabitation. Source agency: Office for National...

Subnational population projections for England: 2018-based

Indicate potential future population size of English local and health authorities. Widely used in planning – eg labour market, housing, health and education.

Internal and international migration projections 2005-2029

The projected number of internal migrants and international and cross border migrants moving into and out of the area between 2005 and 2029 Source: Office for National Statistics (ONS) Publisher:...

CNP Grassland Mapping Project 2020-22

This web map and collection of data layers provides information on the location, extent, quality, and condition of species-rich grassland (SRG) sites in the Cairngorms National Park (CNP) - outputs...

eDNA data for eXXpedition Atlantic crossing project

The results of environmental DNA analysis from water samples taken in the Atlantic Ocean between Senegal and Brazil, and Brazil and Guyana. The analysis of vertebrates was targeted.