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Department for Work and Pensions Equality Information

The Department for Work and Pensions Equality Information report provides information on a range of key indicators broken down, where data allows , by protected characteristics such as age,...

NHS Workforce - Equality & Diversity

NHS Hospital & Community Health Service (HCHS) workforce statistics - equality and divesity. Medical and non-medical headcount by disability, ethnicity, age, gender, religious belief and...

CPS - Number of Conditional Cautions broken down by Gender and Area

This shows the number of Conditional Cautions administered in the period broken down by gender and CPS Area.

New Deal programme: Jobs gained by gender

The data are used to evaluate the performance of the New Deal for Young People, Lone Parents and 25 plus and jobs gained from each programme broken down by gender. New Deal ran between 1998 and...

DWP Public Sector Equality Duty report

Under the Public Sector Equality Duty, part of the Equality Act 2010, as a public body the Department for Work and Pensions has a specific duty to publish relevant proportionate information to...

ACOS TRG - Maintain ED equalence & recor

FLEET Deputy Flag Officer Sea Training (DFOST) - Equality and Diversity statistics

DCMS Equality Workforce Data 2012-2013

DCMS has published its equality workforce data. •Table 1 shows a snapshot of the makeup of the Department as of 31 March 2013 •Table 2 shows HR performance data 2012-13

Department for Transport Equality Monitoring Annual Summary

An analysis of staff diversity, for staff in post. The analysis looks at staff in post, cessations, grievances and discipline, training, sickness absence, performance markings and recruitment, and...

Employee owner status equality impact assessment

Data tables for an assessment of the equality impacts of proposed measures to implement employee owner status. See URN 12/1215 for the related consultation paper.

Gender Pay Gap

This covers all employees of Leicester City Council except those based in schools.  Included are all staff permanently and temporarily employed on the last day of the pay period.  This includes...

Gender Pay Gap

Gender pay gap report for Calderdale Council published as part of our [Public Sector Equality...

Gender Pay Gap

All organisations with 250 or more employees must publish and report specific figures about their gender pay gap. The gender pay gap is the difference between the average earnings of men and women,...

Equalities Profiles - Talkabout

No description provided

Climate & Equalities Tool

The Climate and Equalities Tool is a simple, high-level tool to help you embed climate and equalities considerations early in your programme design. Climate outcomes are assessed alongside an...

Focus on Gender

Offers an insight into the lives of men and women in contemporary UK society. It includes information on their characteristics, experiences and lifestyle, placing particular emphasis on the...

Citizenship Survey: Race, Religion and Equalities Topic Report

This report explores views about racial and religious prejudice, perceptions of racial discrimination by public service organisations, and experiences of religious and employment-related...

Employees - gender and sexual orientation

Breakdown of Leicester City Council's employees (excluding schools and casual workers) providing headcount and full time equivalent by gender and sexual orientation.This information is provided on...

Census 2021 - Gender identity

The census is undertaken by the Office for National Statistics every 10 years and gives us a picture of all the people and households in England and Wales. The most recent census took place in...

Employees - Grade, Gender and Ethnicity

Breakdown of number of employees by grade, gender and ethnicity.This data will be published quarterly.

Victim and offender - gender and age

Breakdown of victim and offenders for each district, by age group and gender in Cambridgeshire. The data covers the full year of 2012 and covers victims and offenders as identified by...