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Negated Notifiable Disease Investigations: Wales 2011

This dataset provides figures for the number of negated Exotic Notifiable Disease investigations carried out in Wales during 2011. Investigations that follow the report of an exotic notifiable...

Negated Notifiable Disease Investigations: Scotland 2013

This dataset provides figures for the number of negated Exotic Notifiable Disease investigations carried out in Scotland during 2013. Investigations that follow the report of an exotic notifiable...

Negated Notifiable Disease Investigations: England 2011

This dataset provides figures for the number of negated Exotic Notifiable Disease investigations carried out in England during 2011. Investigations that follow the report of an exotic notifiable...

Negated Notifiable Disease Investigations: Scotland 2014

This dataset provides figures for the number of negated Exotic Notifiable Disease investigations carried out in Scotland during 2014. Investigations that follow the report of an exotic notifiable...

Negated Notifiable Disease Investigations: Scotland 2012

This dataset provides figures for the number of negated Exotic Notifiable Disease investigations carried out in Scotland during 2012. Investigations that follow the report of an exotic notifiable...

Negated Notifiable Disease Investigations: Wales 2015

This dataset provides figures for the number of negated Exotic Notifiable Disease investigations carried out in Wales during 2015. Investigations that follow the report of an exotic notifiable...

Negated Notifiable Disease Investigations: Scotland 2015

This dataset provides figures for the number of negated Exotic Notifiable Disease investigations carried out in Scotland during 2015. Investigations that follow the report of an exotic notifiable...

Negated Notifiable Disease Investigations: England 2012

This dataset provides figures for the number of negated Exotic Notifiable Disease investigations carried out in England during 2012. Investigations that follow the report of an exotic notifiable...

Negated Notifiable Disease Investigations: England 2013

This dataset provides figures for the number of negated Exotic Notifiable Disease investigations carried out in England during 2013. Investigations that follow the report of an exotic notifiable...

Negated Notifiable Disease Investigations: Wales 2012

This dataset provides figures for the number of negated Exotic Notifiable Disease investigations carried out in Wales during 2012. Investigations that follow the report of an exotic notifiable...

Negated Notifiable Disease Investigations: Wales 2014

This dataset provides figures for the number of negated Exotic Notifiable Disease investigations carried out in Wales during 2014. Investigations that follow the report of an exotic notifiable...

Negated Notifiable Disease Investigations: England 2014

This dataset provides figures for the number of negated Exotic Notifiable Disease investigations carried out in England during 2014. Investigations that follow the report of an exotic notifiable...

Negated Notifiable Disease Investigations: Wales 2013

This dataset provides figures for the number of negated Exotic Notifiable Disease investigations carried out in Wales during 2013. Investigations that follow the report of an exotic notifiable...

% of the panel who speak negatively about the council

% of the panel who speak negatively about the council

Photographic negatives of BGS large scale maps

Photographic negatives of Geological map 'Standards', manuscript and published maps produced by the Survey on County Series (1:10560) and National Grid (1:10560 & 1:10000) Ordnance Survey base...

Open Spaces

Areas of open space as identified by the open space study and subsequent open space framework within Wycombe District, polygons

Open Space

Areas defined as Open Space in the Local Development Plan. Subject to policies GN.34 (Recreational Open Space) and GN.35 (Amenity Open Space) of the LDP.

Open space audit July 2011 civic space

Open Space Audit and Assessment of Need (July 2011) - civic spaces.

Open Spaces

Open Spaces are identified for their public value and cover a broad range of typologies of both publicly and privately owned spaces such as parks, outdoor sports facilities, green space, play...

Open Spaces

Data recorded on all Open Spaces in the City. Analysis provided in the Open Spaces Audit. Contact Monitoring & Information team for further details. • Site Description – Records the name or...