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278 results found

Single-use plastic carrier bags charge data for England

These datasets provide the information submitted to government about single use carrier bag charging in England, including the number and proceeds of single-use plastic carrier bags issued/charged...

EU Waste Carriers Licences and Waste Processing Sites Permits

Collated information on waste carriers licences and waste processing sites permits in 14 EU Member States, provided as a zip archive of CSV files. Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark,...

Performance Dashboard Registrations of waste carriers, brokers and dealers

This dashboard shows information about how the Registrations of waste carriers, brokers and dealers service is currently performing. This is a "beta" service. The dashboard shows number of...

Ptychotomography of Bishop Tuff Zircons (NERC Grant NE/P002498/1)

Nanoscopic (50 < size < 150 nm) magnetic particles embedded within the unaltered interior of mineral crystals like zircons (ZrSiO 4 ) make ideal candidates to record the information about the...

Fixed Penalty Notice - Waste

The Fixed Penalty Notices (FPNs) issued for either (i) failing to provide a waste carrier note (for businesses transporting their own waste), or (ii) domestic/commercial waste receptacle offences...

UKCCSRC Call 1 project poster: Chemical Looping for low-cost Oxygen Production, CSLF Call project poster reception, London, 27.06.16

This poster on the UKCCSRC Call 1 project Chemical looping for low-cost oxygen production and other applications was presented at the CSLF Call project poster reception, London, 27.06.15. Grant...

Key Performance Indicators of freight delivery performance with electric vans in Central London

This dataset contains the results of electric vehicle trials that were funded by the Mayor of London and delivered by Gnewt Cargo in partnership with the University of Westminster. The Agile Urban...

UK Airline Statistics

The CAA collects statistics from all United Kingdom airlines. Monthly aggregate information is supplied on each route served together with quarterly returns of fleet and personnel data and, for the...

European Social Fund Audit Samples

Details of those providers the  external European Social Fund auditors have chosen to audit

Reservoir stocks 1988-2009

Covers a selection of representative reservoirs chosen throughout England and Wales which have a total capacity of 1,531,928 Ml.

Habitat point records from 1995 OPRU Milford Haven littoral rock monitoring

Thirty one transect sites were chosen on rocky shores in Milford Haven. Each transect had up to twenty one stations (mostly around twelve stations). The stations are at 60 cm height intervals down...

Species point records from 1995 OPRU Milford Haven littoral rock monitoring

Thirty one transect sites were chosen on rocky shores in Milford Haven. Each transect had up to twenty one stations (mostly around twelve stations). The stations are at 60 cm height intervals down...

Immigration Enforcement data

This record contains data on: the number of records in the migration refusal pool; the breakdown of those eligible for deportation; family returns; the average cost per day to hold an individual in...

Sunderland Indices of Multiple Deprivation 2007

List of all 188 super output areas that combine a number of indicators, chosen to cover a range of economic, social and housing issues into a single deprivation score.

Chlorophyll fluorescence data collected on Mount Etna, Sicily, 2017

The dataset contains chlorophyll fluorescence data from different genotypes of two Senecio species on Mount Etna, Sicily. In 2017, multiple clones of c.40 genotypes for each of two Senecio species...

BEIS Departmental Spending over £25,000

The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) publishes details of all departmental spending over £25,000 on a monthly basis. BEIS has chosen to publish all departmental spend...

Broadscale remote survey and mapping of the sublittoral habitats and biota of the Wash, and the Lincolnshire and the north Norfolk coasts - MNCR classification

Sublittoral MNCR classification map of the Wash, and the Lincolnshire and north Norfolk coasts. This survey was one of three trial areas chosen for the Broadscale Mapping Project. The methodology...


GIS polygon dataset identifying the areas for general employment uses within the Harlow District. These areas have been chosen by the Local Planning Authority to be subject to Local Plan policy to...

Broadscale remote survey and mapping of the sublittoral habitats and biota of the Wash, and the Lincolnshire and the north Norfolk coasts - lifeforms and species presence

Sublittoral lifeforms and species presence map of the Wash, and the Lincolnshire and north Norfolk coasts. This survey was one of three trial areas chosen for the Broadscale Mapping Project. The...


GIS polygon dataset identifying the areas of residential/retail mixed use land within the Brentwood Borough. This land has been chosen by the Local Planning Authority to be subject to Local Plan...