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612 results found

Resolving workplace disputes: a consultation. Impact assessment

Underlying table and figure data from the Resolving workplace disputes: a consultation. Impact assessment [URN 11/512]

Trends in consultation rates in General Practice

Describes the population and practices contributing to the analysis in terms of geographical location, list size and overall age-sex structure. Analyses trends in consultations by age and sex...

Mineral Consultation Areas

Polygon data relating to the policies in the Cheshire Replacement Minerals Local Plan

Air Traffic Consultation

Aerodrome safeguarding map relating solely to technical apparatus within an airport. CAA rules dictate that technical sites should undergo a separate consultation exercise from that of aerodrome...

Mineral Consultation Areas

Devon Minerals Local Plan 2004 sets out Minerals Consultation Areas. These generally cover mineral development sites such as quarries and mineral transportation / processing infrastructure. Any...

Mineral Consultation Areas

Minerals Consultation Areas are defined to ensure that the Mineral Planning Authority is informed of significant development proposals which may adversely affect minerals resources and has the...


Extent of the HSE consultaion zone for development control

NATS Consultation Zone

NATS (National Air traffic Services) Consultation Zones for wind farms

Mineral Consultation Areas

Minerals Consultation Areas are defined to ensure that the Mineral Planning Authority is aware of and involved in the determination of development proposals which may impact upon identified...

Consultant and Agency Spend

This dataset contains details of all Council expenditure on consultants and agency staff for each financial year from 2010/11 onwards. It will be updated on an annual basis.

Mineral Consultation Areas

Mineral consultation areas


An area identified in order to ensure consultation between the relevant District Planning Authority, the Minerals Industry and Durham County Council before certain non-mineral planning...

Performance Indicators : Consultation

Performance Indicators : Consultation

Consultation Privacy Notices

Privacy notices used in recent City of York Council consultations. For past consultation privacy notices please see the [__archived__ consultation privacy notices...

National minimum wage: employed students and the accommodation offset. A consultation

Underlying data from the publication National minimum wage: employed students and the accommodation offset. A consultation. [URN 11/509]

Spend - Consultant, Professional, Interim

Expenditure for consultancy, professional services and interims.

Seething Airfield consultation zone

Shows the extents of a consultation zone designed to trigger appropriate consultations for development over a specific size. Within a 1.5km radius of the airfield – every application for...

Carer Breaks Consultation 2023

Under the Care Act 2014, Local Authorities must promote carers’ wellbeing and prevent their needs from escalating. Breaks have a potentially crucial role in helping local authorities meet their...

Newcombe House public consultation

No description provided

Skills for Londoners Framework Consultation

Alongside the Skills for Londoners Strategy, in 2018 the Mayor published his Skills for Londoners Framework. The Framework outlines how the objectives of the Strategy will be delivered in the...