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179 results found

Northern Ireland Annual Business Inquiry

Provides information on the value of the economic activity that businesses generate and associated expenditure across the main industrial sectors in Northern Ireland. Source agency: Enterprise,...

Northern Ireland Annual Business Inquiry

Provides information on the value of the economic activity that businesses generate and associated expenditure across the main industrial sectors in Northern Ireland. Source agency: Northern...

Northern Ireland Annual Business Inquiry

Provides information on the value of the economic activity that businesses generate and associated expenditure across the main industrial sectors in Northern Ireland. Source agency: Finance and...

Northern Ireland Annual Business Inquiry

The Northern Ireland Annual Business Inquiry (NIABI) collects both financial and employment information from businesses and other establishments and covers about two thirds of the economy. This...

Frequent Bus Services in GM 2000-2011

The number of frequent bus services operating in GM 2000 - 2011. Source: TfGM Bus & Rail.

Open Geography Portal Frequently Asked Questions (April 2017)

We have produced an updated list of frequently asked questions along with their answers, to help you get the most from the portal. (File Size - 344 KB)

Open Geography portal Frequently Asked Questions (February 2024)

We have produced an updated list of frequently asked questions along with their answers, to help you get the most from the portal. (File Size - 1 MB)

Frequently asked questions about the GSS Coding and Naming Policy

The GSS Coding and Naming policy was implemented on 1 January 2011. This change affected all users and producers of statistics. This document contains the frequently asked questions about the...

Frequently asked questions about the GSS Coding and Naming Policy

The GSS Coding and Naming policy was implemented on 1 January 2011. This change affected all users and producers of statistics. This document contains the frequently asked questions about the...

Citroen Site Public Inquiry documents

Respondents in Public Attitudes 2009 Survey rating how frequently they behaved in certain ways which used less energy in the home

Respondents in Public Attitudes 2009 Survey rating how frequently they behaved in certain ways which used less energy in the home

Quarterly Inquiry of Projects in Progress

To establish the universe of completed projects which is used to select for KPI survey

ONS VML Monthly Production Inquiry (MPI)

Monthly survey of businesses, collects data on turnover, employment etcetera.

Monthly Inquiry of Contracts & New Orders

Used to publish new orders in the construction industry

Average excess waiting time (decimal minutes) for frequent bus services (6 or more buses per hour) (DfT measure - BUS0903) (LI 22)

Average excess waiting time (decimal minutes) for frequent bus services (6 or more buses per hour) (DfT measure - BUS0903) (LI 22) *This indicator has been discontinued

% of non-frequent scheduled bus services (fewer than 6 buses per hour) running on time (DfT measure - BUS0902) (LI 22a)

% of non-frequent scheduled bus services (fewer than 6 buses per hour) running on time (DfT measure - BUS0902) (LI 22a) *This indicator has been discontinued

Inquiry of Activity for Construction & Allied Trades statistical bulletin

Used to publish output in the construction industry

Annual Inquiry of Main & Sub- Contractors in the Construction Industry

To maintain the builders address file register

ONS VML Monthly Inquiry into the Distributive and Services Sector (MIDSS)

Collects turnover and employment data on the service industries.

DJEP Disclosure Databases

Al-Sweady Public Inquiry Witness Database. This Microsoft Access Database holds contact details for Witnesses who were required to attend the Public Inquiry.