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National Diabetes Inpatient Audit - Harms, 2019

NaDIA-Harms is a mandatory year-round collection of four harms that can occur to diabetic inpatients in Acute hospitals in England. The objective of NaDIA Harms is to help reduce the rates of...

Children and adolescents who try to harm, hurt or kill themselves

This booklet presents analysis of self-harm reports by parents about their children aged 5-15 and by the children themselves aged 11-15. Source agency: Office for National Statistics Designation:...

2002 European Commission European distribution of harmful algal blooms

Report of a European workshop organised jointly by the Fifth Framework Programme Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development of the European Commission, the Institut de Ciències del Mar,...

2002 European Commission European distribution of harmful algal blooms

Report of a European workshop organised jointly by the Fifth Framework Programme Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development of the European Commission, the Institut de Ciències del Mar,...

Hospital admissions as a result of self harm (10-24 years), per 100,000 population

Hospital admissions as a result of self harm (10-24 years), per 100,000 population

Absolute gap in hospital admission ratio for self-harm between highest and lowest York ward ( 5 year aggregated)

Absolute gap in hospital admission ratio for self-harm between highest and lowest York ward ( 5 year aggregated)

effects on prices in the uk

Effects on prices in the uk during 2014

National Diabetes Inpatient Audit - Harms

The Audit seeks to monitor these four complications: Did the patient require injectable rescue treatment for Hypoglycaemia (Hypo) more than 6 hours after admission? Was the patient diagnosed with...

HPI: Effective primary/secondary care

Health Poverty Index - Situation of Health: Effective primary/secondary care Source: Department of Health (DoH), Hospital Episode Statistics (HES), ONS Mid Year Estimates Publisher: Health...

Absolute gap in hospital admission ratio for alcohol-related harm (narrow definition) between highest and lowest York ward (5 year aggregated)

Absolute gap in hospital admission ratio for alcohol-related harm (narrow definition) between highest and lowest York ward (5 year aggregated)

Incidence of harm to children due to ‘failure to monitor’ (retired as of May-15) (NHSOF 5.6)

The total number of safety incidents, causing harm to children due to 'failure to monitor', reported to the National Reporting and Learning System (NRLS) by provider organisations. Please note...

The effect of VAT on household disposable income

This article examines the effect of VAT on average disposable income for both low income and high income households. Source agency: Office for National Statistics Designation: National...

The effects of alcohol and tobacco duties on household disposable income

Analyses the effects of duties on alcohol and tobacco on equivalised household disposable income from 1995/96 to 2009/10. Source agency: Office for National Statistics Designation: National...

The effect of duties on petrol and diesel on household disposable income

This article examines the effect of duties on petrol and diesel on higher and lower income households. Source agency: Office for National Statistics Designation: National Statistics Language:...

Ozone effects in high sugar grass pasture

Data includes raw shoot biomass and yield, production and gas exchange, nodulation and N-fixation and forage quality data, including relative and consumable food values. The impacts of ozone on the...

International Comparison of the Formula Effect Between the CPI and RPI

There are a number of differences between the Consumer Prices Index (CPI) and Retail Prices Index (RPI), including their coverage, population base, commodity measurement and methods of...

Effect of ozone on modern clover cultivars

Data includes impacts on root nodule biomass, stomatal conductance, injury rates, and N-fixation in the white clover cultivar (T. repens cv. crusader). An ozone-exposure experiment was conducted in...

Cartogram and Choropleth communicative effectiveness participant test results 2015

These are the results obtained from an empirical test looking at the communicative effectiveness between two types of two dimensional (2D) map formats (Choropleth maps, and Cartograms) of the...

How effective are taxes and benefits in reducing inequality in the UK

An analysis of the effectiveness of taxes and benefits in reducing household inequality between 1980 and 2009/10. Source agency: Office for National Statistics Designation: National...

Estimated Effect of the Budget on Consumer Price Indices and Retail Prices Index

The purpose of this article is to give the estimated effects on the Consumer Price Indices and Retail Prices Index resulting from duty and taxation changes announced in the Budget. This article...