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876 results found

Trial of biodegradable mulch materials (Kent 2012)

Mulches are materials applied to the soil surface to control the growth of competitive weeds. The durability, practicality, and weed control efficacy of a range of mulch materials was tested for...

Applications for Grants

List of the applications for funding. Competitions are the principal vehicle for work of the Technology Strategy Board (TSB) in allocation of grants. Applications are made by individuals and...

Great Western Data Site

Web-based data room used for the Great Western franchise letting competition 2012

Government Shared Services Data Site

Web-based data room for the Shared Services procurement competition. Data collectgion ceased.

Smart Metering Demand Estimation Profile

Used to inform bidders  in CSP, DSP and licensing competitions of expected volume of use of DCC system

GPS 'Active' Suppliers

List of suppliers that are receiving income via work carried under GPS Frameworks - i.e. those that are winning business via further competitions

2016 Marine Biological Association of the UK (MBA) Looe Festival Crabbing Competition

Survey of crabs caught and re-caught during a crabbing competition. The aim was to find out how many crabs are re-caught, using lipstick (make-up) as a temporary marker.

2016 Marine Biological Association of the UK (MBA) Looe Festival Crabbing Competition

Survey of crabs caught and re-caught during a crabbing competition. The aim was to find out how many crabs are re-caught, using lipstick (make-up) as a temporary marker.

Record level data on Pioneer places and Core Cities.

For Local Authorities Pioneer Places competition, we are intending to ask those LA’s that we are funding to provide information each month on Total of spend against budgeted capital/programme...

Organogram and staff pay data for the Charity Commission

Information about the Charity Commission’s staffing structure and staff salaries in FY2010/11, provided in line with the Government’s commitment to increase transparency on how taxpayers’ money is...

Countryside Stewardship Scoring Woodland Improvement England 2016/2017

This dataset was used for scoring Higher Tier Countryside Stewardship applications for Woodland Improvement in England for 2016/17. Countryside Stewardship (CS) was launched in 2015 and is a Rural...

Countryside Stewardship Scoring Woodland Priority Habitat Network England 2016/2017

This dataset was used for scoring Higher Tier Countryside Stewardship applications for Woodland Creation in England for 2016/17 where points were available for Biodiversity objectives....

UK Biodiversity Indicator B4, Pressure from climate change - spring index

This spreadsheet is the underlying data for the biodiversity indicator B4, Pressure from climate change - spring index. Phenology is the study of the timing of recurring natural events in relation...

EWCO - Flood Risk Management

Spatial data supporting appropriately located and designed woodland creation to help reduce flood risk by slowing flood flows and increasing the retention and infiltration of water on the...

Impacts of Increasing Land Use under Energy Crops - GIS Data, 2006-2009

GIS-based computer generated real-time landscape models, and other computer generated static images were produced and used alongside photographs in more in-depth interviews and focus groups. (Some...

Impacts of increasing land use under energy crops - ecology data, 2006-2009

Ecological field data for a variety of biodiversity indicators were collected from commercial fields of both crops. The study is part of the NERC Rural Economy and Land Use (RELU) programme. Future...

Impacts of increasing land use under energy crops - hydrology data, 2006-2009

This data set consists of various hydrological measurements taken over two years of instrumental monitoring in fields of willow and Miscanthus crops from a study as part of the NERC Rural Economy...

Greater Anglia Data Site

Web-based. Holds information, in lieu of a physical data room, for accredited bidders. Competition for the franchise has ended. The data site is archived by the data site provider on to DVD. Will...

Forestry Statistics - Public Opinion of Forestry, UK/ England

The biennial household-based Public Opinion of Forestry survey measures the opinions of the public to forestry and forestry-related issues. The scope of the survey was increased in 2003 to provide...

NI 154 - Net additional homes provided

Number of net increases in dwelling stock over one year. The net increase in dwelling stock over one year is calculated as the sum of new build completions, minus demolitions, plus any gains or...