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Population Clock

A clock which updates every minute to produce an estimated population total for Northern Ireland, at the current time and date UPDATED on 21 Feb 2011: at present the Population Clock release has...

Population Projections

Use this interactive tool to compare the projected resident populations of selected areas and how they may change over time. Data are available for regions, counties and Local Authorities in...

Population projection

ONS Population projection by Age and Gender

Prison population projections

Presents projected monthly prison population in England and Wales for the next six years. Sub-population (such as gender) estimates are presented alongside the effects of legislation, sentencing...

Population projections

Population projections for North Yorkshire including age and sex breakdowns

Subnational Population Projections

Subnational population projections for England, based on the population at 30 June 2012. These use past trends to project forward the population to give an indication of the future population for...

Population LATEST

Quick guide to latest population data for Camden, contains links to other documents and data.

Ageing Population

Percentage of the total population who are of retirement age (60+ Females, 65+ Males), by SOA.

Daytime Population, Borough

Daytime population - The estimated number of people in a borough in the daytime during an average day, broken down by component sub-groups. The figures given are an average day during school...

Resident population

Data showing the usual resident population of Plymouth including data on: sex; households; communal establishments; school children/full-time student; area and density.

Prison Population statistics

Figures for the prison population in England and Wales published weekly. For more detailed figures on the prison population see the National Statistics publication, Offender Management Statistics...

Bradford Council populations

The latest population figures produced by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) on 28 June 2018 show that an estimated 534,800 people live in Bradford District – an increase of 2,300 people...

Annual Population Survey

Annual Population Survey household datasets allow production of family and household labour market statistics at local area and small sub-groups of the population across the UK. Source agency:...

Population Trends

Covers population and demographic information. It contains commentary on the latest findings and topical articles on relevant subjects. Source agency: Office for National Statistics Designation:...

Modelled population backseries

These modelled annual population estimates were created for use the [GLA's population projections]( They are intended...

Mid Year Population Estimates (MYEs): components of population change

This dataset assesses whether population change is primarily caused by natural change, or migration Source: Office for National Statistics (ONS): Population Estimates Unit Publisher: Office for...

Projected Population of Scotland

Population projections: components of change, dependants, births, deaths, population by sex and age group. Source agency: National Records of Scotland Designation: National Statistics Language:...

Population Survey

A residence based labour market survey encompassing population, economic activity (employment and unemployment), economic inactivity and qualifications. These are broken down where possible by...

Employment-led population projections

GLA Demography has published 2016-based employment-led projections for London which provide population projections which are consistent with the employment projection scenarios published by GLA...

Camden Population Growth 2016

This factsheet focuses on future population growth and changes in demographics, with data from the 2014 GLA population projections ‘Camden Development (capped average household size)’....