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131 results found

Mineral Resource Polygons Northern Ireland (Internal Geological Boundaries Retained)

This mineral resource data was produced as part of the Mineral Resource Map of Northern Ireland via a commission from the Northern Ireland Department of the Environment. The work resulted in a...

UK Depopulation report in compliance with Article 18 (4) of retained EU Council Regulation 1099/2009 on the protection of animals at the time of killing

UK Depopulation report in compliance with Article 18 (4) of retained EU Council Regulation 1099/2009 on the protection of animals at the time of killing. The published depopulation results are...

Sample & Compound Calculator Database

Details of Special Payments made. Does not retain any personal information.

NERC Isotope Geosciences Laboratories (NIGL) laboratory records (hardcopy)

The NIGL (NERC Isotope Geosciences Laboratories) laboratory records comprise paper output from mass spectrometers, which is retained for 5 years from the date of analysis, and mass spectrometer...


Line data showing ground floor shopping frontages which should be retained for retail or community use in Weymouth and Portland Borough.


Line data showing ground floor shopping frontages which should be retained for retail or community use in Weymouth and Portland Borough.

Recruit Statistics by Training Years

Commando Training Centre RM - Training Records, Information on Recruits going through Phase 1 Training during each Financial Year (retained for 6).


Line data showing ground floor shopping frontages which should be retained for retail or community use in Weymouth and Portland Borough.


Line data showing ground floor shopping frontages which should be retained for retail or community use in Weymouth and Portland Borough.

Testing Modifications to the Net Grid in the Farne Deeps Single Rig Nephrops fishery 2019/20 - Fisheries Science Partnership

This work was carried out as part of the Fisheries Science Partnership (FSP) programme. The aim of this project was to further develop a selective Net Grid trawl with two cod ends to improve...


Dataset showing Open Countryside and Other Open Land (Policy EVR2) as identified in the Replacement Local Plan (2006), a policy retained until the adoption of the Sites And Boundaries Local Plan.

ESSnet finance

This (financial and personal) data is required to be kept as part of the auditing process of the co-ordinating country. It is required to be retained for several years after the ESSnet is completed.

Sun System (CICA)

Information on the volume of third party (including medical authorities) and supplier payments including their details, volume and total value of retained awards, volume of civil and court debtors,...

Public Open Space

Publicly Accessible Open Space constitutes areas with unrestricted public access to informal and formal recreational use. It performs an important role in the environmental quality and general...

Cheshire West and Chester Local Plan Polygons 2015

Cheshire West and Chester Council Local Plan policies digitised as polygons - new Local Plan allocations (adopted 29/1/15) and retained policies (from adopted Chester, Ellesmere Port and Neston and...


GIS polygon dataset identifying the areas for general employment uses within the Harlow District. These areas have been chosen by the Local Planning Authority to be subject to Local Plan policy to...

Area of Great Landscape Value (AGLV) - Moray

The aim of this designation is to protect areas of strategically important landscapes from inappropriate development. The designation also aims to promote the highest standards of design to retain...

Area of Great Landscape Value (AGLV)(Moray)

The aim of this designation is to protect areas of strategically important landscapes from inappropriate development. The designation also aims to promote the highest standards of design to retain...

DNPA Section 3 Moorland

Section 3 Moor and Heath. The map gives an overall impression of the distribution of moor and heath and those areas which are considered particularly important to retain. The conservation of the...

Remote Electronic Monitoring (REM) in the Bristol Channel 2016/17 - Fisheries Science Partnership

The aim of this project was to determine whether REM can be used to accurately verify and evaluate self-sampling records of the skate and ray catch (retained and discarded) made by the skipper...