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27 results found

Conversion rate, frequency and state of single nucleotide polymorphism loci for Scots pine Axiom microarray

The data comprise summary statistics for performance of a genotyping microarray for a test set of 87 samples for four pine species. The summary statistics comprise state (polymorphic, monomorphic),...

Phytophthora ramorum SF Policy Zones

This dataset shows the policy zones defined in Scottish Forestry's Phytophthora ramorum (P. ramorum) Action Plan and introduced in 2021. There are two zones; a priority action zone, and a risk...

Global gridded monthly mean Leaf Area Index (LAI) for five Plant Functional Types (PFTs) derived from the Global LAnd Surface Satellite (GLASS) products for the period 2000-2014

A new monthly long term average (climatology) of Leaf Area Index (LAI) has been developed for use as ancillary data with the Joint UK Land Environment Simulator (JULES) Land Surface Model and the...

Pine Tree Lappet Moth Core Breeding Area

Core Breeding Area, in Scotland, of the Pine Tree Lappet Moth as of 31st December 2019. Timber movement restrictions apply to pine species (and non-pine conifers growing within pine coupes) in the...

Cancer Registration: Epidemiology of Colorectal Cancer Tumours (2000 - 2017)

National Cancer Registration And Analysis Service (NCRAS). (2020). Cancer Registration: Epidemiology of Colorectal Cancer (2000 - 2017). Public Health England....

Evolution of Carbon Cycle Dynamics (eCCD) (NERC grant NE/H022554/1)

The global carbon cycle - how much carbon is stored in its interconnected reservoirs (ocean, atmosphere, plants and soils on land, sediments in the deep sea) as well as the fluxes between them, is...

Cancer Registration: Epidemiology of Melanoma (1995-2017)

National Cancer Registration and Analysis Service (NCRAS). (2019). Cancer Registration: Epidemiology of Melanoma (1995-2017) [Dataset]. Public Health England....