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Design Plan Units

A Spatial dataset. This dispersed dataset shows information on forest plan coverage, approval and expiry on the Public Forest Estate.

Estates Cost Plans

Financial cost options for the implementation of estates related activity.

Forest Plans England

This scheme is now closed. Forest Plans have been introduced for landowners who are planning to carry out felling, restocking and thinning in their woodlands over a 20 year period. The Forestry...

Internal Audit Plan

List of internal audits planned by year.

Map based index (GeoIndex) gravity readings

This layer of the map based index (GeoIndex) shows the location of land and marine gravity observations on the UK mainland, Northern Ireland, offshore islands, tidal estuaries and seabed. Most of...

Planning Inspectorate - Planning Appeals Casework

The data in this data set covers the last 5 rolling years for appeals with a decision date. Appeals currently in progress and those which have been withdrawn or turned away are not...

Primary Authority Inspection Plans

A list of the number of Primary Authority Inspection Plans that the FSA has commented on. includes timescales and names of the Primary Authorities

Personal Equity Plans (PEP)

Data on Personal Equity Plans (PEP)

HMRC Departmental Improvement Plan

This Departmental Improvement Plan sets out what is intended to deliver the long term health and success of the department. The Plan is based around the following critical themes of...

Small Woodland Management Plans

Boundaries of land captured as part of small woodland management plan processing. The small woodland management plan template has been created to help encourage and support owners of small...

Impact indicator: planning authorities with local plan

Percentage of local planning authorities having an adopted local plan #### How the figure is calculated: It is the number of Local Planning Authorities with an adopted plan as a percentage of...

Intergrated Claims Management System (ICMS) previously operated by Capita now hosted by Iron Mountain in read only mode

Claimant database and transactional history for Coal Health Compensation Scheme and miscellaneous coal health claims up to May 2011

Food Standards Agency File Plan

This dataset shows the top two levels of the file plan which is used to structure records stored in Wisdom, the FSA Electronic Document Management System. The file plan is a two level list of the...

Planning portal

Website and transaction service for submitting planning applications; portal to a planning database. The system is supplied by commercial suppliers IBM

Planning applications

National statistics about the number of planning applications made and permissions granted in England.Source agency: Communities and Local Government Designation: National Statistics Language:...

Map based index (GeoIndex) offshore magnetic readings

This layer of the map based index (GeoIndex) shows unadjusted ship gravity, magnetic and bathymetry data acquired by BGS as part of its Offshore Reconnaisance Mapping Programme. This programme...

Readers registration

Details of members of the public who are registered to use The National Archives reading rooms and order records.

Planning Applications, England

Information on planning applications and decisions provided at national, regional and local authority level. Source agency: Communities and Local Government Designation: National...

Child Protection Plan

Rreferrals, assessment and children and young people who are the subjects of child protection plans (on the child protection register) from year ending March 2009

Housing and Planning Statistics

Compendium of housing and planning statistics covering most aspects of housing and planning in England Source agency: Communities and Local Government Designation: National Statistics Language:...