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Neighbourhood Representative Structures

Neighbourhood Representative Structures are supported and recognised by Dundee City Council in a similar way to Community Councils, and both have a right to consultation on matters relating to...

Total staff who are Union representatives

Total number of staff who are Union representatives - absolute number and full time equivalents (FTE)

FCA: Improving the Appointed Representatives regime through greater use of data

This publication includes data from the FCA's 2021 and 2022 data requests sent to principal firms and authorisation information collected from firms. It also outlines how the FCA is improving the...

Trade Union representatives who devote at least 50% of time to Union duties

Trade Union representatives who devote at least 50% of time to Union duties - absolute number and full time equivalent (FTE)

Democratic process - Council representatives, Council bodies, committee minutes, decision making processes and records of decisions

Democratic process - Council representatives, Council bodies, committee minutes, decision making processes and records of decisions

Collection of 22 M. bovis isolates representative of the disease in GB with genotype and deletion analysis.

Analysis of bovine tuberculosis (bTB) genotype frequency (spoligotype and VNTR type) collated in isolates from the spoligotype database for 2006. The purpose of this collection was to generate a...

UK maps representing baseline uncertainty in CO2 and CH4 fluxes

This dataset provides UK maps of baseline prior uncertainty (UQ) in fluxes of Greenhouse Gases (GHGs) carbon dioxide, CO2 (2014-15) and methane, CH4 (2015). Spatial maps of these GHG emissions are...

X-Ray micro-CT data and simulation files for paper 'Representative elementary volumes, hysteresis and heterogeneity in multiphase flow from the pore to continuum scale'

Grant: NE/N016173/1.The data presented herein comprises raw and segmented X-Ray micro-CT data, CMG simulation files and Matlab processing files for the paper 'Representative elementary volumes,...

Element and radionuclide concentrations in wildlife (including representative species of the ICRP's Reference Animals and Plants) and associated soils from forests in north-east England, 2015-2016

Data comprise stable element concentrations for a range of elements, radionuclide activity concentrations for the isotopes K-40 and Cs-137 and radionuclide and stable element concentration ratios....

Viable bioaerosol and particulate data from four sites representing different levels of endotoxin exposure in south east England, 2016-2018

The dataset was collected between 2016-2018. A range of different environments were sampled including urban and rural sites in the South East of England, a compost facility in the East of England...

Elemental concentrations in representative species of the ICRP's Reference Animals and Plants and associated soils in terrestrial Mediterranean ecosystems in Spain

Data comprise stable element concentrations in terrestrial Reference Animals and Plants (RAPs) and corresponding whole-body concentration ratios determined in two different Mediterranean...

Element and radionuclide concentrations in representative species of the ICRP's Reference Animals and Plants and associated soils from a forest in north-west England

This dataset presents the results of an initial sampling exercise conducted at a terrestrial site in northwest England in summer 2010. The following samples of terrestrial Reference Animals and...

Triaxial data, hydrostatic loading data and processed representative elementary area (REA), grain size image analysis data for Bentheim, Castlegate and a synthetic sandstone sample (NERC Grant NE/L002469/1)

We examine the role of cement on compaction band formation by performing triaxial tests on three sandstones, Bentheim, Castlegate and a synthetic sandstone which possess very similar porosities...

2013 - 2015 Centre for Environment, Fisheries & Aquaculture Science (Cefas) Scores representing Magallana gigas (Pacific oyster) environmental suitability and introduction / spread risk for UK waters based on data from 2013 to 2015.

Data are scores calculated in 2020 to indicate the environmental suitability and risk of introduction into, and secondary spread of *Magallana gigas** in UK waters. Scores are calculated for each...

Trade Union Facility Time

This dataset contains details of all trade unions currently represented within the Council and their representatives. Facility time refers to time off given to representatives to allow them to...

Cambridgeshire County Council Trade Union Facility Time

In line with the 2014 Transparency Code the following datasets have been published - Union pay bill summary - a basic estimate of spending on unions as a percentage of the total pay bill...

Tree Preservation Orders

Shows the location of protected trees within Eastleigh Borough Council. Individual trees are represented by a point and groups of trees are represented by a polygon boundary.

Tree Preservation Orders

Shows the location of protected trees within Eastleigh Borough Council. Individual trees are represented by a point and groups of trees are represented by a polygon boundary.

Trade union facility time

Total number (absolute number and full time equivalent) of staff who are union representatives (including general, learning and health and safety representatives). Total number (absolute number and...

Bradford Council trade union facility time

### Full time total number (absolute equivalent) of union representatives who devote at least 50 per cent of their time to union activity Union FTE, including those funded by the Schools...