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1,623 results found

Exploratory evaluation of the Next Step service

Data that supports BIS research report no. 97, on a study to evaluate outcomes associated with the Next Step careers and skills advice service. Explored the potential for exploiting the new Next...

Next Step/National Careers Service contracts

Next Step/National Careers Service contracts, may contain sensitive financial data.

Next step customer satisfaction and progression surveys

Satisfaction and progression survey data for customers of Next Step collected one month (satisfaction) and six months (progression) after the adviser session (September 2011 - March 2012). Survey...

Education and Training in England: Formal First Steps

Formal First Steps education and training data in England. The data shows participation by learner demographics and subject area. Formal First Steps (FFS) is a short episode of learning designed...

Next Step/National Careers Service invoices & supporting evidence

Next Step/National Careers Service invoices & supporting evidence

Next Step/National Careers Service performance monitoring reports

Next Step/National Careers Service performance monitoring reports

Rheology of three-phase suspensions (NERC grant NE/K500999/1)

The data consists of a spreadsheet containing rheology data for 39 samples of syrup, containing air bubbles and/or spherical glass particles. These data were used by Truby et al. (2014) to support...

YDNPA Local Plan Policy W1 – Ecological networks (stepping stone)

Identifies ‘stepping stone’ areas that have wildlife importance and so are offered some protection against development. Yorkshire Dales Local Plan 2015-30

Number of Starts on Step 2 Success from 2014 – 2020 by Geographies

The number of people starting Steps 2 Success from 2014 – 2020 broken down by Assembly Area, Local Government District and an Northern Ireland total.

Steps 2 Success


Steps 2 Success


Steps 2 Success


Non STEPS (Strategic Transfer of the Estate to the Private Sector) information Contract Timber Procurement Policy

Letters issued to Non-STEPS (Strategic Transfer of the Estate to the Private Sector) contractors to ensure compliance to Government procurement policy for timber. Updated: annually.

Non STEPS (Strategic Transfer of the Estate to the Private Sector) information Contract Timber Procurement Policy

Letters issued to Non-STEPS (Strategic Transfer of the Estate to the Private Sector) contractors to ensure compliance to Government procurement policy for timber. Updated: annually.

Hampshire Avon: soil temperature and water content data from three sub-catchments

The dataset contains measurements of soil temperature and volumetric water content from plots in agricultural grasslands in the Hampshire Avon catchment (UK) from late-2013 to September 2015....

Slope index of inequality in life expectancy at birth - Male - (Three year period)

Slope index of inequality in life expectancy at birth - Male - (Three year period)

Slope index of inequality in life expectancy at birth - Female - (Three year period)

Slope index of inequality in life expectancy at birth - Female - (Three year period)


Green Infrastructure in Cheshire East. The file contains OS MasterMap features catagorised into green infrastructure typologies, and an assessment of the functionality of the feature.

Maintained nursery and primary school provision for three to four year olds

Number of part time funded nursery and primary school places filled by three and four year olds Source: Department for Education and Skills (DfES), Learning and Skills Council (LSC). Publisher:...

Independent nursery and primary school provision for three to four year olds

Number of three and four year olds taking up early education sessions in private, voluntary and independent nursery and primary schools Source: Department for Education and Skills (DfES), ...