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598 results found

2012 Bae et al. UK Sargassum muticum records

A collection of Non-Native Species sightings from Doo Young Bae. The species listed is Sargassum muticum.

2015 Roch et al. Holyhead Didemnum vexillum record

A collection of Non-Native Species sightings from R.C. Roche. The species listed is Didemnum vexillum.

2006 Tweedy et al. Salcombe Sargassum muticum records

The first reports of Sargassum muticum occurring in British waters coincided with a warning that this invasive alga may replace seagrass beds, particularly those of Zostera marina. Initial fears...

1969 Brodie et al. Portsmouth Area Grateloupia turuturu record

A collection of Non-Native Species sightings from Juliet Brodie. The species listed is Grateloupia turuturu.

2006 Kerckhof et al. North Sea record of Rapana venosa

An invasive gastropod, the veined whelk Rapana venosa, was first recorded in July 2005 in the Dutch part of the North Sea, and in September 2005 in the central southern North Sea (the wider Thames...

2005 Edwards et al. Poole Harbour Spartina anglica records

A collection of Non-Native Species sightings from Bryan Edwards. The species listed is Spartina anglica.

2000-2001 Strong et al. UK Sargassum muticum records

A collection of Non-Native Species sightings from James Strong. The species listed is Sargassum muticum.

2006 Marshall et al. Poole Harbour Spartina anglica record

A collection of Non-Native Species sightings from William A. Marshall. The species listed is Spartina anglica.

2011 Sharma et al. Strangford Lough Sargassum muticum record

A collection of Non-Native Species sightings from S.H.S. Sharma. The species listed is Sargassum muticum.

2001-2003 Smith et al. Hastings Crepidula fornicata records

A collection of Non-Native Species sightings from R. Smith. The species listed is Crepidula fornicata.

2000-2001 Strong et al. UK Sargassum muticum records

A collection of Non-Native Species sightings from James Strong. The species listed is Sargassum muticum.

2006 Marshall et al. Poole Harbour Spartina anglica record

A collection of Non-Native Species sightings from William A. Marshall. The species listed is Spartina anglica.

2006 Kerckhof et al. North Sea record of Rapana venosa

An invasive gastropod, the veined whelk Rapana venosa, was first recorded in July 2005 in the Dutch part of the North Sea, and in September 2005 in the central southern North Sea (the wider Thames...

2005 Edwards et al. Poole Harbour Spartina anglica records

A collection of Non-Native Species sightings from Bryan Edwards. The species listed is Spartina anglica.

2009-2011 Bishop et al. UK Asterocarpa humilis records

A collection of Non-Native Species sightings from John Bishop. The species listed is Asterocarpa humilis.

1969 Brodie et al. Portsmouth Area Grateloupia turuturu record

A collection of Non-Native Species sightings from Juliet Brodie. The species listed is Grateloupia turuturu.

2011 Sharma et al. Strangford Lough Sargassum muticum record

A collection of Non-Native Species sightings from S.H.S. Sharma. The species listed is Sargassum muticum.

2000-2004 Davis et al. European distribution of Styela clava

A subset of literature review detailing the European distribution of Styela clava, this subset is limited to the UK records only. Publication: 2007 Davis et al. European distribution of Styela clava

1991 Gibbs et al. South East UK distribution of Urosalpinx cinerea

An update on the Essex and Kent populations of U. cinerea. This study was conducted with specific focus on whether the populations were still viable after becoming sterile due to TBT poisoning.

2014 Matt Arnold et al. Firestone Bay Undaria pinnatifida records

A collection of Non-Native Species sightings from Matt Arnold. The species listed is Undaria pinnatifida.