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116 results found

Important Open Area

Undeveloped open areas within or closely associated with settlements and which are defined as making an amenity contribution to the setting of the settlements concerned. Areas defined as...

Forest Research Experiment Sites England 2016

This dataset records Forest Research Experiment sites on the National Forest Estate and private land. Objective is to avoid accidental damage to Forest Research experiments and sample plots...

Full information/data on DFID aid projects

DFID publish the following information on a monthly basis: * Details on international development projects including budgets and financial transactions. * Information on sectors, geographical...


This is a polygon dataset that shows Visually Important Space as allocated in the 2005 Adopted Local Plan

Broadscale habitat (EUNIS level 3) for North West of Jones Bank recommended Marine Conservation Zone (rMCZ)

A broadscale habitat layer was produced by analysing and interpreting the acoustic and ground truth data collected by Gardline onboard the MV Tridens onboard 29th February and 31st March 2012and RV...

Allotments within CCC's Boundaries

This feature class based dataset comes with the coordinates (location) and visually represent the locations of the allotments that are known to reside within Chelmsford City Council's...

Landscape Character Area Northumberland

This data provides a detailed strategic understanding of the county in terms of its evolution, its modern visual and perceptual qualities, the character of its habitats and land cover and the...

World War II Monuments

This feature class based dataset has multiple layers that comes with the coordinates (location) and visually represent the locations of World War II Monuments. These monuments may be directly...

Deer Count - Deer Density

Deer group locations and sizes are used in assessing deer populations living on the ‘open range’. ‘Open range’ generally means open areas of habitat used mainly by red deer (for example, heather...

Deer Count - Deer Groups

Deer group locations and sizes are used in assessing deer populations living on the ‘open range’. ‘Open range’ generally means open areas of habitat used mainly by red deer (for example, heather...

Open Spaces within Towns and Villages

Open spaces within built-up areas which provide important amenity benefits for local residents. They assist in meeting the leisure and recreational needs of locals and visitors, as well as...

Flood Sirens

Calderdale's Flood Siren Locations, which includes Siren (Location), National Grid Reference (NGR), Address, Postcode and Co-Ordinates. [Environment...

National Trip End Model (NTEM)

The [freely available TEMPro software is required to view these datasets]( The National Trip End Model (NTEM) model forecasts the...

North Lincolnshire Council Area of Special Control of Advertisements

An Area of Special Control of Advertisements is an area specifically defined by the planning authority because they consider that its scenic, historical, architectural or cultural features are so...

EUNIS ANNEX I habitat map for Bassurelle Sandbank SCI

EUNIS ANNEX I habitat map for Bassurelle Sandbank SCI (CEND 03/13). An ArcGIS polygon shapefile of the potential extent of Annex I sandbank habitat identified at Bassurelle Sandbank SCI was...

Business Register and Employment Survey

The Business Register and Employment Survey publishes employee and employment estimates at detailed geographical and industrial levels. It is regarded as the definitive source of official...

Shop Mobility

Shopmobility provides a loan of electric scooters and wheelchairs to help people with mobility problems enjoy shopping. The range of services and facilities may include manual wheelchairs, powered...

National Biodiversity Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment (England)

Natural England has developed a GIS model that provides an assessment of the vulnerability of priority habitats to climate change based on principles of adaptation for biodiversity. It identifies...

RCOphth NOD National Cataract Audit Year 4 data

The data is for the fourth prospective year of the National Cataract Audit and was collected as part of routine clinical care on electronic medical record systems in 101 participating centres. The...

Newcastle City's open space

The amount and the quality of the City’s open space, greenery, and other recreation facilities is crucial to its liveability, and the health and well-being of residents and visitors. These...