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Northern Ireland Compliance Checks

This is a report providing information on Compliance Checks for heavy goods vehicles, buses and taxis, which are carried out to determine the roadworthiness and traffic compliance of heavy goods...

NHS Health Check quarterly statistics

Number of NHS Health Checks offered and uptake each quarter, for the year to date and over five years April 2013-March 2018 Source agency: Public Health England Designation: Official Statistics...

Northern Ireland Bus Compliance Check

This is a report providing information on the biennial Bus Compliance Check, which is carried out to determine the roadworthiness and traffic compliance of buses travelling on the roads in Northern...

Northern Ireland Taxi Compliance Check

This is a report providing information on the biennial Taxi Compliance Check, which is carried out to determine the roadworthiness and traffic compliance of taxis travelling on the roads in...

CRB checks and job positions

FOI response: 1a) How many criminal record checks were made in 2009, 2010 and 2011? 1b) Please could you break this figure down by the ""post applied for"" field. 2a) How many convicted criminals...

% of eligible population aged 40-74 offered an NHS Health Check who received an NHS Health Check

% of eligible population aged 40-74 offered an NHS Health Check who received an NHS Health Check

Exercises - File Checking and Rank Exercise

Details of claim checks and reviews

CRB checks and conviction data

FOI response: 1) For each of the registered and umbrella bodies, how many criminal records checks were carried out in 2009, 2010 and 2011? 2) How many of these checks disclosed conviction data in...

CRB checks processed for local authorities

The number of CRB checks processed for local authority bodies in the year of 2011 (Jan-Dec inclusive).

Northern Ireland Goods Vehicle Compliance Check Report

This is a report providing information on the biennial HGV Goods Compliance Check, which is carried out to determine the roadworthiness and traffic compliance of heavy goods vehicles and trailers...

Risk Management Approved Document Sets (RMADS) and associated technical documents

Technical system Information and diagrams, RMADS , IT Health Check Test Results.

2013 London Town Centre Health Check Analysis Report

This comprehensive database for town centres is the Technical Annex associated with the GLA publication: “2013 Town Centre Health Check report’. The indicators for this database are categorised in...

London Town Centre Health Check Analysis Report

This comprehensive database for town centres is the Technical Annex associated with the GLA publication: “2017 London Town Centre Health Check Analysis Report’. The data is provided for 221 town...

UKCS Licence Documents

This app enables users to search for offshore, onshore, gas storage and CCS Licence documents, view the spatial extent of Licensed Areas, see important information about the Licence, and download...

Business Continuity Documents

FCO(S) - BCP Plans, Contact Details, Strategy Documents etc

Conservation Areas Documentation

Conservation areas are those areas identified by the Local Planning Authority as having special architectural or historic interest which merits designation. Documentation including area character...

Publication Scheme Documents

All other documents released under our publication scheme - including board minutes, annual reports, contract opportunities etc.

Document Management System ("Matrix")

Electronic Document Storage solution for the Department, meeting obligations for Document and Freedom of Information (FOI) Management

Camden Licensing Documents

This dataset contains licensing documents; this can be joined to the other licensing datasets using the licence reference value.

Check for Flooding User Satisfaction and Digital Take Up Scores

User Satisfaction and Digital Take Up scores for the Check for Flooding service.