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NI 084 Achievement of 2 or more A*- C grades in Science GCSEs or equivalent

Number of pupils in a school at the end of KS4 who have achieved 2 or more science GCSEs graded A*-C against the number of pupils in a school at the end of KS4, expressed as a percentage. Source:...

NI 084 - Achievement of 2 or more A*- C grades in Science GCSEs or equivalent

Number of pupils in a school at the end of KS4 who have achieved 2 or more science GCSEs graded A*-C against the number of pupils in a school at the end of KS4, expressed as a percentage.

Self-reported drink and drug driving: Findings from the Crime Survey for England and Wales

This release presents data on self-reported drink and drug driving, from the Home Office's Crime Survey for England and Wales, in which repsondents are asked whether they have driven under the...

Experience of the Arts in Northern Ireland: Findings from the Continuous Household Survey 2008/09

Continuous Household Survey 2008/09 - Arts Source agency: Culture, Arts and Leisure (Northern Ireland) Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National Statistics Language:...

A comprehensive suite of earthquake catalogues for the 2016-2017 Central Italy seismic sequence

A set of six large catalogues documenting the seismic sequence that occurred in central Italy between 2016 and 2017, characterized by a cascade of four MW5.5–6.5 events. The earthquake catalogues...

User guide to Home Office crime statistics

The User Guide to Home Office Crime Statistics is designed to be a useful reference guide with explanatory notes regarding the issues and classifications which are key to the production and...

Stop and search research findings 2013

Research findings for the 2013 stop and search review produced by YouGov on behalf of HMIC.

Architects Register Search - Find an Architect

Official UK Register of Architects - Search for architects in the UK. When someone uses the title "architect", it means that members of the public can check with us that they are dealing with a...

UKTI tax arrangements for off-payroll appointees

UKTI details of all individuals engaged off payroll. The data shows: number of off-payroll engagements for those earning more than £220 per day and lasting more than 6 months duration, new...

Attitudes to Housing: Findings from Ipsos MORI Public Affairs Monitor Omnibus Survey (England)

Public attitudes towards housing issues. Source agency: Communities and Local Government Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National Statistics Language: English Alternative...

OS Open Names

A comprehensive dataset of place names, roads numbers and postcodes for Great Britain. Accurate locations Let your customer-facing staff find places quickly when talking to callers. OS Open Names...

National Diabetes Audit, Type 1 Diabetes

The National Diabetes Audit (NDA) provides a comprehensive view of diabetes care in England and Wales. It measures the effectiveness of diabetes healthcare against NICE Clinical Guidelines and NICE...

Angling and usage of inland waterways by adults in Northern Ireland: Findings from the Continuous Household Survey (CHS)

This annual series of publications provides information on adults aged 16 years and over and their participation in angling and usage of inland waterways Source agency: Culture, Arts and Leisure...

Experience of Sport and Physical Activity in Northern Ireland: Findings from the Continuous Household Survey 2008/09

Continuous Household Survey 2008/09 Findings - Sport and Physical Activity Source agency: Culture, Arts and Leisure (Northern Ireland) Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National...

NI 075 - Achievement of 5 or more A*- C grades at GCSE or equivalent including English and Maths

Key Stage (KS) 4 is the stage of the National Curriculum between the ages of 14 and 16 years. GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education) is the principal means of assessing pupil attainment...

NI 075c - Achievement of 5 or more A*- C grades at GCSE or equivalent including English and Maths

Key Stage (KS) 4 is the stage of the National Curriculum between the ages of 14 and 16 years. GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education) is the principal means of assessing pupil attainment...

NI 075a - Achievement of 5 or more A*- C grades at GCSE or equivalent including English and Maths

Key Stage (KS) 4 is the stage of the National Curriculum between the ages of 14 and 16 years. GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education) is the principal means of assessing pupil attainment...

NI 075 - Achievement of 5 or more A*- C grades at GCSE or equivalent including English and Maths

Key Stage (KS) 4 is the stage of the National Curriculum between the ages of 14 and 16 years. GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education) is the principal means of assessing pupil attainment...

The National Archives - Energy Consumption

Please find details of The National Archive's energy consumption at their main building in Kew.

Points of Interest

Points of Interest® is the most comprehensive, location-based directory of all public and privately-owned businesses, education and leisure services in Britain. Points of Interest contains over...