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Looked After Children in Care

Data on children looked after by local authorities in England is collected via annual returns known as the SSDA903 return from English local authorities by the Department for Education - see linked...

Children looked after in England by distance between home and placement

Children who are living in care or foster placements by the distance between their home address and their placement address Source: Department for Education and Skills (DfES) Publisher:...

NI 058 Emotional and behavioural health of looked after children

Emotional and behavioural health of children and young people in care will be assessed through the use of a Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ). The SDQ is a short behavioural screening...

Children looked after in England (including adoption and care leavers)

Children looked after in England (including adoption and care leavers) Source: Department for Children Schools and Families (DCSF) Publisher: Department for Children Schools and Families...

NI 058 - Emotional and behavioural health of looked after children

Emotional and behavioural health of children and young people in care will be assessed through the use of a Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ). The SDQ is a short behavioural screening...

Community Care Statistics: Home Help/care for Adults

The Statistical Report and Internet tables present information provided by Councils with Adult Social Services Responsibilities (CASSRs) relating to home care services purchased or provided during...

Disability: Adults with physical disability helped to live at home

Adults aged 18-64 with physical disabilities helped to live at home . Source: CSCI Performance Assessment Framework (PAF) Publisher: Commission for Social Care Inspection (CSCI) Geographies:...

Outcome Indicators for Children Looked After, Twelve months to 30 September

Outcome indicators for children who have been looked after continuously for at least 12 months, including absences and exclusions, achievements, employment status, cautions and convictions,...

NI 063 - Stability of placement of looked after children: length of placement

This indicator measures the percentage of looked after children aged under 16 at who have been looked after continuously for at least 2.5 years who were living in the same placement for at least 2...

NI 062 - Stability of placements of looked after children: number of placements

This indicator measures the percentage of children looked after with three or more placements during the year Source: Statutory SSDA903 data collection from Local Authorities to...

NI 063 - Stability of placement of looked after children: length of placement

This indicator measures the percentage of looked after children aged under 16 at who have been looked after continuously for at least 2.5 years who were living in the same placement for at least 2...

NI 062 - Stability of placements of looked after children: number of placements

This indicator measures the percentage of children looked after with three or more placements during the year

% of businesses reporting that contact with officers was helpful

% of businesses reporting that contact with officers was helpful

Number of Early Help Assessments initiated

Number of Early Help Assessments initiated

Water Quality Postcode Look-up

Yorkshire Water's Water Quality Postcode look-up in XML format. Change the final parameter to match the postcode you would like to query (postcode format example = yo16ga for YO01...

Learning difficulties: Adults with learning difficulties helped to live at home

Adults aged 18-64 with learning disabilities helped to live at home . Source: CSCI Performance Assessment Framework (PAF) Publisher: Commission for Social Care Inspection (CSCI) Geographies:...

Help to Buy Equity Loan Scheme, by postcode district (Total Equity Loans).

This data set contains Help to Buy: Equity Loan statistics at postcode district level. For data released from 5 March 2015 onwards, the Homes and Community Agency (HCA) have revised the completion...

Help to Buy Equity Loan Scheme, by parliamentary constituency (Total Equity Loans).

This data set contains Help to Buy: Equity Loan statistics at parliamentary constituency level. For data released from 5 March 2015 onwards, the Homes and Community Agency (HCA) have revised the...

Content Management System (CMS)

Is a system which allows information to be updated on to the Maritime and Coastguard Agency related web pages in a variety of different documents

Outcomes for Looked After Children

A new publication initially focussing on the educational outcomes for looked after children, with the aim of including the lifelong learning, health and justice outcomes for looked after children...