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372 results found

Warm Front close out report

This report marks the final year of the Warm Front scheme after more than a decade of providing heating and insulation measures to low income and vulnerable customers across England.

NI 036 - Protection against terrorist attack

This performance management system will enable – for the first time – police, local authorities and central government to measure progress in reducing the vulnerability of crowded places shown to...

North West England Priority Butterfly Conservation Area 2009

This data supported prioritisation of England Woodland Grant Scheme (EWGS) Woodland Improvement Grant (WIG) from 2009 in the North West of England. The area outlined contains populations of some...

Special consideration in GCSE and GCE

Numbers of adjustments to the marks of candidates who have not been able to demonstrate attainment because of exceptional circumstances. Ofqual collects and reports information on the total...

Use of European Union Funds

Demonstrates how funding from the European Union is spent on an annual basis.

Protected Sites - Demonstration and Research Marine Protected Areas (DR MPA)

Demonstration and Research Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) are designated by Scottish Ministers under the Marine (Scotland) Act 2010. Sites can be established for the purpose of demonstrating, or...

Warm Front data

For the last decade, the Warm Front Scheme was Government's key scheme to tackle fuel poverty. It closed in 2012/13. It provided grants to vulnerable consumers for heating and insultation...

Electric Vehicle Charging Points installed as part of the Coventry and Birmingham Low Emissions Demonstrator (CABLED) project

The locations of public electric vehicle recharging points that have been installed at locations around Birmingham city centre as part of the Coventry and Birmingham Low Emissions Demonstrator...

UKCCSRC Call 2 project poster: UK Demonstration of Enhanced Calcium Looping & first Global Demonstration of Advanced Doping Techniques, CSLF Call project poster reception, London, 27.06.16

This poster on the UKCCSRC Call 2 project UK Demonstration of Enhanced Calcium Looping and first Global Demonstration of Advanced Doping Techniques was presented at the CSLF Call project poster...

Calcium looping pilot plant experimental data for UKCCSRC Call 2 project C2-209 'UK Demonstration of Enhanced Calcium Looping, and a First Global Demonstration of Advanced Doping Techniques'

The data set encompasses the data generated through the 8 experimental runs on the 25 kWth calcium looping pilot plant at Cranfield University arranged into 8 functional Excel spreadsheets. The...

Anti-social Behaviour Family Intervention Projects

Outcomes, service effectiveness and capacity of family intervention projects to support vulnerable and chaotic families from April 09 to March 11. Future editions of this publication can be found...

NI 158 - percentage decent council homes

This indicator measures the number of non decent council homes and the proportion this represents of the total council housing stock. This is being calculated in order to demonstrate the progress...

NI 135 - Carers receiving needs assessment or review and a specific carers service, or advice and information

Support for carers is a key part of support for vulnerable people. Support for carers also enables carers to continue with their lives, families, work and contribution to their community. The...

Flood resilience community pathfinder funding evaluation

As intended by Defra and shown in Table A1, the 13 pathfinder projects represented diverse characteristics. Eight of the projects involved the National Flood Forum (NFF) as the lead on community...

Data and codes to demonstrate measurement of shear-wave attenuation anisotropy beneath the Ethiopian Rift

Shear-wave attenuation anisotropy can provide constraints on mantle melt, such as that present beneath the Ethiopian rift. This package contains codes implementing a new methodology to measure such...

DWP Public Sector Equality Duty report

Under the Public Sector Equality Duty, part of the Equality Act 2010, as a public body the Department for Work and Pensions has a specific duty to publish relevant proportionate information to...

ArcGIS layers accompanying report Risk assessment of seabird bycatch in UK waters - MB0126

These data layers support the project Risk assessment of seabird bycatch in UK waters1, project MB0126, compiled by WWT Consulting. This dataset contains shapefile layers for: location of waterbird...

HPI: Quality of social care

Health Poverty Index - Situation of Health: Quality of social care: The effectiveness of care for vulnerable individuals in society Source: Department of Health (DoH), Hospital Episode Statistics...

NI 011 - Engagement in the arts

The arts have a range of local impacts, including promoting health, education and well-being. The national Taking Part survey has demonstrated the links between participation in cultural activity...

EU Projects: SACS/SACS2 - Saline Aquifer CO2 Storage - An Offshore Demonstrations at the Sleipner Field

The SACS and SACS2 projects ran sequentially from 1998 to 2002, with the aim of developing research into the potential for large-scale storage of CO2 in underground saline aquifer formations. SACS...