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531 results found

Next Step/National Careers Service invoices & supporting evidence

Next Step/National Careers Service invoices & supporting evidence

Next Step/National Careers Service performance monitoring reports

Next Step/National Careers Service performance monitoring reports

National Careers Service satisfaction and progression survey

Data from a report that presents findings of a survey of National Careers Service (NCS) users. The research looked at customer satisfaction with the service and their progression after their...

Plant diversity

Plant diversity

Genetic diversity

Genetic diversity

Diversity Data

Diversity statistics for selection exercises showing

Diversity Data

FCO(S) - Staff Diversity information & statistics

Criminal careers of those born between 1953 and 1988

This statistical bulletin gives the latest comparative results of the criminal history of offenders born in selected weeks in 1953, 1958, 1963, 1968, 1973, 1978, 1983, 1988. The bulletin includes...

% of panel who agree that to develop their career need to commute out of York

% of panel who agree that to develop their career need to commute out of York

% of panel who disagree that to develop their career need to commute out of York

% of panel who disagree that to develop their career need to commute out of York

Career History

Record of employee job titles, working locations, hours of work, grade

Highways England Agreed Diversion Routes

Highways England Agreed Diversion Routes represent the recommended routes for road users when a section of road has been closed. Routes may not be representative of the routes indicated in the real...

CPS Workforce Diversity Data 2012/13

CPS Workforce Diversity Data 2012/13

CPS Workforce Diversity Data 2014-2015

This dataset contains data relating to the equality and diversity within the CPS workforce

Diversity Data, SAP Reports and Downloads

Diversity data for all Department for Transport central staff available - Age, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, name, location, directorate, etc. Data from System Applications & Products...

Regional ethnic diversity in England and Wales

The data measures the ethnic diversity of England and Wales by region and type of area, for example urban and rural. Data comes from the 2011 Census and is published on 'Ethnicity facts and figures'.

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Evidence Base for London

The Mayor has a role to play in leading, shaping and responding to changes in London through the work of the GLA group. Inclusive London: the Mayor's equality, diversity and inclusion strategy sets...

FCO Diversity and Equality Report and Gender Pay Gap

FCO Diversity and Equality Report 2016

Crown Prosecution Service workforce diversity data 2009-2010

This dataset consists of various breakdowns of the CPS workforce according to diversity strands, e.g. ethnicity, gender, disability etc. This data is published annually.

Crown Prosecution Service workforce diversity data 2008-2009

This dataset consists of various breakdowns of the CPS workforce according to diversity strands, e.g. ethnicity, gender, disability etc. This data is published annually.