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264 results found

Soil physico-chemical properties from eight UK agricultural sites, 2022

This data resource contains soil physico-chemical data from eight agricultural sites across the UK sampled during September 2022 and October 2022. For all sites, the data resource presents results...

Historic reconstructions of daily groundwater levels for eight boreholes in Burkina Faso (NERC Grant NE/M008827/1)

This dataset consists of reconstructions of daily groundwater levels for eight boreholes in Burkina Faso. Data for each borehole is provided in an individual csv file, with reconstructed...

Mean and variability of topsoil organic carbon concentrations across Great Britain at 1km resolution from an ensemble of eight digital soil maps

This dataset presents the mean topsoil (0-15 cm) organic carbon concentration (g kg-1) and measures of its variability at 1 km resolution across Great Britain. The mean and variability metrics were...

Half hourly fluxes of sensible heat, latent energy and carbon, observed by eight eddy covariance towers in the Northern Chihuahuan Desert, North America, 2018-2019

Half-hourly data from eight eddy covariance towers deployed in the Sevilleta Refuge (New Mexico, USA). The main sensors deployed were sonic anemometer, relative humidity sensor and carbon dioxide...

Gambling Accounting Centre data (GAC)

Betting, gaming and lottery duties returns. Updated: regularly.

Gambling Accounting Centre data (GAC)

Betting, gaming and lottery duties returns. Updated: monthly.

FSA Audits of Approved Meat Establishments

FSA audits of approved meat establishments (slaughterhouses, cutting plants and game handling establishments) in Britain

Authorisations Held by FSA Staff

A snap-shot of the numbers of FSA inspection staff (Official Veterinarians and Meat Hygiene Inspectors) designated for red meat, poultry and wild game.


Dataset contains areas identified having as recreation facilities available to young people such as Multi Use Games Areas, Skateboard Parks and Basketball Courts. It does not denote authority...

DCMS planned expenditure baseline allocations for 2011-2012

This data set breaks down how our funding settlement will be allocated for the 2011/12 financial year, across our key programmes and activities (excluding expenditure on the Olympic and Paralympic...

FSA Audits of Approved Meat Establishments

Food Standards Agency (FSA) audits of approved meat establishments (slaughterhouses, cutting plants and game handling establishments) in Britain. For further information, please visit [Food...

Childrens Play Equipment

Childrens and Young Persons Space fixed equipment within Children's Play Grounds (CPG), Wheels Parks, Teen Shelters and Multi-use Games Areas (MUGA) the latter being mainly used by young persons...

Open space provision for children and young people

Areas designed primarily for play and social interaction involving children and young people. Includes equipped play areas, ball courts, outdoor basketball hoop areas, skateboard areas, teenage...

FISP Filling the Gap 2022-2024 WP2 Fisher interviews

Researchers conducted social science interviews with active and retired crustacean fishers in Wales and in the north east of England. The interview questions were centred around changes in their...

Testing the Palaeosol Model of Arsenic Pollution in Groundwater (NERC grant NE/G016879/1)

2 published papers from NERC grant NE/G016879/1. Palaeosol Control of Arsenic Pollution:The Bengal Basin in West Bengal, India by by U. Ghosal, P.K. Sikdar, and J.M. McArthur. Tracing recharge to...

National Lottery - funds raised for good causes

This report details the fund raised for good causes by the National Lottery. Funds are raised from the sale of National Lottery games and supplemented by items suchs as unclaimed prizes. The funds...

Gambling permits

This dataset shows where permits have been issued for gaming machines in pubs and clubs and also family entertainment centres. The best way to work with this dataset is to save it to your computer...

Strategic Open Spaces for Larger Towns

In 2014 Cornwall Council adopted the Open Space Strategy for Larger Towns in Cornwall as interim planning guidance pending adoption of the Cornwall Local Plan, when it will follow the process to...

Northern Ireland Business Register and Employment Survey

The Northern Ireland Business Register and Employment Survey (BRES) is a survey of employers in Northern Ireland that collects employee job counts. Results are available according to gender, full...

Agricultural Land Classification detailed Post 1988 survey ALCB12894

Survey name: Kingsteignton, Bickley Ball Post 1988 Agricultural Land Classification (ALC) site survey data – scanned original paper maps and survey reports for individual sites surveyed in detail...