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252 results found

Emergency readmissions within 30 days of discharge from hospital (NHSOF 3b)

This indicator measures the percentage of admissions of people who returned to hospital as an emergency within 30 days of the last time they left hospital after a stay. Admissions for cancer and...

Emergency readmissions within 30 days of discharge from hospital (CCGOIS 3.2)

Percentage of emergency admissions to any hospital in England occurring within 30 days of the last, previous discharge from hospital after admission; indirectly standardised by age, sex, method of...

Emerging Threats Highlight Report (ETHiR)

Contains names of businesses, names of Veterinary Risk Group (VRG) members and risk managers, locations and detail regarding disease outbreaks, commercially sensitive information on new and ongoing...

Emergency Contacts Calling Trees and Lists


NI 070 Reduce emergency hospital admissions caused by unintentional and deliberate injuries to children and young people.

The total number of children and young people admitted to hospital as a result of injury against the total population of children and young people in the PCT area, expressed as a rate. Source:...

NI 070 - Reduce emergency hospital admissions caused by unintentional and deliberate injuries to children and young people.

The total number of children and young people admitted to hospital as a result of injury against the total population of children and young people in the PCT area, expressed as a rate.

North Lincolnshire Council COMAH sites (emergency planning)

COMAH (Control of Major Accident Hazards) sites and consultation zones. defined by Health and Safety Executive

Emergency Hospital Admissions for Falls (Age 65 and over)

Falls are a major cause of Emergency Hospital Admissions for Older People, and lead to many moving from home into residential care. The highest risk of falls is in people aged 65 and...

North Lincolnshire Council COMAH sites (emergency planning)

COMAH (Control of Major Accident Hazards) sites and consultation zones. defined by Health and Safety Executive

North Lincolnshire Council COMAH sites (emergency planning)

COMAH (Control of Major Accident Hazards) sites and consultation zones. defined by Health and Safety Executive

Personal Details

Records of name, Emergency contacts, date of birth, gender, ethnicity, home address, phone number, marital status, nationality, religion, sexual orientation, disability

Emergency hospital admissions and timely surgery: chronic conditions usually managed in primary care

Emergency admissions to hospital for chronic conditions (asthma, diabetes) usually managed in primary care settings Source: Hospital Episode Statistics (HES), Office for National Statistics...

Emergency hospital admissions and timely surgery: acute conditions usually managed in primary care

The number of finished and unfinished continuous inpatient spells (CIPS) for patients of all ages with an emergency method of admission and with any of the following primary diagnoses - Ear, nose...

Emergency admissions for acute conditions that should not usually require hospital admission (NHSOF 3a)

The indicator measures the number of emergency admissions to hospital in England for acute conditions such as ear/nose/throat infections, kidney/urinary tract infections and angina, among others,...

Emergency admissions for acute conditions that should not usually require hospital admission (CCGOIS 3.1)

Directly age and sex standardised admission rate for emergency admissions for acute conditions that should not usually require hospital admission per 100,000 registered patients, 95% confidence...

Mid Ulster Council Emergency Support Centres

Mid Ulster Council Emergency Support Centres maintained by the Council and the Community

ID 2007 Emergency Admissions to Hospital indicator

ID 2007: Health Deprivation and Disability, Emergency Admissions to Hospital indicator Source: Communities and Local Government (CLG): ID 2007 Publisher: Neighbourhood Statistics Geographies:...

ID 2004 Emergency Admissions to Hospital indicator

ID 2004: Health Deprivation and Disability, Emergency Admissions to Hospital indicator Source: Office of the Deputy Prime Minister (ODPM): ID 2004 Publisher: Neighbourhood...

Mid Ulster Council Emergency Support Centres

Mid Ulster Council Emergency Support Centres maintained by the Council and the Community

Emergency Hospital Admissions for Intentional Self-Harm (all ages)

Mental health and well-being is an important aspect of public health. Self-harm is an expression of personal distress. There is a significant and persistent risk of future suicide following an...