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% of staff who believe action will be taken following this survey

% of staff who believe action will be taken following this survey

Deaths during or following police contact statistics for England and Wales

Statistics on the deaths reported on by the IPCC including suicides following release from police custody which were reported to the IPCC.

Deaths during or following police contact: Statistics for England and Wales

These statistics provide details of the deaths reported on by the IPCC in each financial year, and also present figures on those suicides following release from police custody which were reported...

% of staff who do not believe action will be taken following this survey

% of staff who do not believe action will be taken following this survey

Proportion of older people (65 and over) who were offered reablement services following discharge from hospital

Proportion of older people (65 and over) who were offered reablement services following discharge from hospital

Outpatient first and follow-up appointments 2013-14

Reference Costs provide indicators of the unit costs of providing a range of hospital and community services at trust and hospital level, based on information derived from electronic hospital...

Outpatient first and follow-up appointments 2015-16

Reference Costs provide indicators of the unit costs of providing a range of hospital and community services at trust and hospital level, based on information derived from electronic hospital...

Outpatient first and follow-up appointments 2014-15

Reference Costs provide indicators of the unit costs of providing a range of hospital and community services at trust and hospital level, based on information derived from electronic hospital...

Outpatient first and follow-up appointments 2016-17

Reference Costs provide indicators of the unit costs of providing a range of hospital and community services at trust and hospital level, based on information derived from electronic hospital...

Outpatient first and follow-up appointments 2019-20

Reference Costs provide indicators of the unit costs of providing a range of hospital and community services at trust and hospital level, based on information derived from electronic hospital...

Outpatient first and follow-up appointments 2018-19

Reference Costs provide indicators of the unit costs of providing a range of hospital and community services at trust and hospital level, based on information derived from electronic hospital...

Outpatient first and follow-up appointments 2017-18

Reference Costs provide indicators of the unit costs of providing a range of hospital and community services at trust and hospital level, based on information derived from electronic hospital...

Water chemistry measured from peatland sub-catchments in the Flow Country, Scotland following a wildfire 2019-2020

The dataset contains water chemistry data collected from peatland headwaters across the Flow Country following a wildfire in May 2019. Samples were collected on a monthly basis from 52 sites across...

Energy Follow Up Survey (EFUS) Interview data - 18 datasets

One-off detailed energy use survey - reporting on type and patterns of main and secondary heating systems, water heating system and usage and dwelling insulation information

Energy Follow Up Survey (EFUS) Electricity monitoring data - 18000+

Detailed electricity monitoring datasets for each respondent household to EFUS

RHPP1 questionnaire post installation and follow up dataset

Evaluation - Questionnaire responses from RHPP1 recipients

Energy Follow Up Survey (EFUS) Temperature data - 1650 datasets

Detailed temperature monitoring data for each respondent household to EFUS, including 4 aggregated datasets

Energy Follow Up Survey (EFUS) Matching files - 2 datasets

Look up key between various EFUS datasts

Time series of uranium transformations in aerobic soils following experimental addition of uranyl ion

The data comprise measurements of the 'soluble', 'chemically exchangeable' and 'isotopically exchangeable' U concentrations in a diverse set of soils following experimental addition of UO22+ and...

Methane transport through an agricultural soil following pulse injection of isotopically-enriched methane in the sub-surface

Data comprise methane and carbon dioxide concentrations in soil following injection of discrete pulses of methane into subsoil (50 cm depth) below a spring wheat crop during the growing season....