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399 results found

Forest Heath District Council/Insurance claims

Insurance claims

St Edmundsbury Borough Council/Insurance claims

Insurance claims

Mid Suffolk District Council/Insurance claims

Insurance claims

Insurance Claims Management system(ICMS)

Previously operated by Capita now hosted by Iron Mountain: It is used to manage Coal Heath Compensation Claims. It provides historic MI for CLU and its contractors and subcontractor to manage...

FCA: General insurance value measures data 2023

The FCA's second full year of general insurance value measures data covers January to December 2023. The data provides firms, market commentators and organisations such as consumer groups with...

Unemployment benefit claims

This data has been taken from LGInform at data reference ID 5470 The figures show the numbers of people claiming unemployment benefits aged between 25-49 and living...

Customers from abroad with no National Insurance Number

Record of customers from abroad who make a claim to Pension Credit but have no National Insurance Number . The information included is Name, Address, and Date of Birth. Personal information is...

FCA: General Insurance value measures data – year ending 31 August 2019

The FCA has published general insurance (GI) value measures data for 28 insurers (including both UK and EEA firms) for the year ending 31 August 2019. The pilot data covers claims frequencies,...

FCA: General insurance value measures data 2022

This is the FCA's first full year of general insurance value measures data, for January to December 2022. General insurance is an important product for consumers and provides essential protection...

Pothole claims

A data set which shows the total number of roadway pothole claims and payments made for vehicles, pedestrian injuries and bicycles.

Possession Claim Online

Case management system for claims made through Possession Claim online. Details include personal details of individuals and parties involved, details of items, dwellings, (such as houses, flats) in...

Overtime Claims System

Administration of staff overtime claims.

Insurance Checks

Verification that suppliers have the appropriate insurance. Updated: annually.

Insurance Checks

Verification that suppliers have the appropriate insurance. Updated: annually.

Car Parking Claims

Data set showing the annual car parking claims for Leeds City Council staff.

Red & Green Claims

Names and addresses, claim details and bank details for payment or receipt for damage to the network by drivers or by the network to drivers' vehicles

Insurance Premium Tax

Administrative datasets on Insurance Premium Tax

Insurance Premium Tax

Administrative datasets on Insurance Premium Tax

Criminal Injuries Claims Overseas

Details of overseas criminal injuries claims

Countryside Volunteers' Expenses Claims

Expenses claims made by Countryside Volunteers including, date, number and amount paid.