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1,515 results found

Lower Marsh CAZ Frontage Boundary

shows boundary of lower marsh shopping area boundary that is within the Central Activities Zone

Lower Quartile House Prices (Land Registry)

Lower quartile house prices based on Land Registry data, by district, from 1996 1-5, Land Registry data

Lower Marsh CAZ Primary Shopping Area

shows boundary of lower marsh primary shopping area that is within the Central Activities Zone

Lower Layer Super Output Areas (LSOAs)

This dataset has been converted from a download of geography data from the Office for National Statistics [Neighbourhood Statistics]( website. It...

Cambridgeshire County Council Lower Layer Super Output Areas

Geographic data regarding the lower layer super output areas in Cambridgeshire.

Water Body Measures Lower Mersey

Water body measures are the actions which will be taken on the ground to help achieve water body objectives. They are brought about by a range of legal, policy or financial mechanisms and involve...

Lower Layer Super Output Area (LSOA) boundaries

Digital SOA boundaries (map files) in formats: Shapefile, KML, GeoJSON, WMS or WFS formats. Source: Office for National Statistics (ONS) Publisher: Neighbourhood Statistics Geographies: Lower...

Water Body RNAGS Lower Mersey

Water body reasons for not achieving good status (RNAGS) identify the pressures that are impacting the status classification of water bodies. Reasons for deterioration (RFDs) identify the...

Lower Super Output Areas (December 2011) Map - Wales

A PDF map showing the lower layer super output areas in Wales as at December 2011. (File Size - 16 MB)

Lower Layer Super Output Areas (December 2001) Population Weighted Centroids

This file contains the population weighted centroids for lower layer super output areas as at 31 December 2001 in England and Wales. Contains both Ordnance Survey and ONS Intellectual Property...

Lower Layer Super Output Areas (December 2001) Population Weighted Centroids

This file contains the population weighted centroids for lower layer super output areas as at 31 December 2001 in England and Wales. Contains both Ordnance Survey and ONS Intellectual Property...

Housing affordability (lower quartile house prices to earnings ratio)

Housing affordability (lower quartile house prices to earnings ratio) *This indicator has been discontinued

Lower Layer Super Output Areas (December 2011) Map - Wales

A PDF map showing the lower layer super output areas in Wales as at December 2011. (File Size - 16 MB)

Cats per square kilometre- lower 95th percentile

This dataset is a modelled dataset, describing a lower estimate of cats per square kilometre across GB. The figures are aligned to the British national grid, with a population estimate provided for...

Dogs per square kilometre- lower 95th percentile

This dataset is a modelled dataset, describing a lower estimate of dogs per square kilometre across GB. The figures are aligned to the British national grid, with a population estimate provided for...

Lower Carboniferous dolomite samples (NERC grant NE/I528142/1)

Core description, core samples and thin sections of Lower Carboniferous dolomite. Thesis : Reservoir Properties of Lower Carboniferous Limestone of the Derbyshire East Midlands Platform by Jack...

Lower Super Output Areas (December 2011) Map - London Region

A PDF map showing the lower layer super output areas in the London Region of England as at December 2011. (File Size - 37 MB)

Lower Fal Ruan estuary benthic biotope map

The survey of the marine environment of Falmouth Bay and the lower Fal Ruan Estuary was undertaken as part of the BioMar Project which is funded by the European Community through the LIFE...

Water Body Status Classification Lower Mersey

Water body status classification data indicates the quality or status of water bodies across a range of different parameters known as quality elements. This dataset includes the classification...

Cat population per postcode district (lower 95th percentile)

This dataset is a modelled dataset, describing the predicted population of cats per postcode district (e.g. YO41). This dataset gives the lower estimate for population for each district, and was...