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901 results found

UK House Price Index

The UK House Price Index (UK HPI) is an official statistic that captures changes in the value of residential properties in the United Kingdom. The UK HPI is calculated by the Office for National...

GeoSure ground stability data product version 8

BGS GeoSure identifies, at 1:50 000 scale, areas of susceptibility and considers the following specific hazard processes that can occur in Great Britain: 1. Shrink–Swell: Swelling clays change in...

National Forest Estate Forest Plans England 2016

This dataset shows some details of the Forest Plans, in particular their names and approval status. Details on the content of the plans will be published separately with further guidance material...

Briefing material and analysis to support published LFS aggregates

Labour Market Outputs

Development around the Coast

Outside Settlement Boundaries and service villages, the character of the District's coast, small coastal villages and hamlets should be protected and enhanced. Development in close proximity to the...

On The Spot (OTS) database

Details of accident investigations including gender, age, group, vehicle damage, road layout, injust mechanism. Data collection ceased.

% of panel who think that vandalism, graffiti and other deliberate damage to property or vehicles is a problem in their local area

% of panel who think that vandalism, graffiti and other deliberate damage to property or vehicles is a problem in their local area

% of panel who think that vandalism, graffiti and other deliberate damage to property or vehicles is not a problem in their local area

% of panel who think that vandalism, graffiti and other deliberate damage to property or vehicles is not a problem in their local area

Perceptions of A levels and GCSEs

Each year Ofqual commissions a survey of public perceptions of A levels and GCSEs in England. The survey covers teachers, parents and students, and addresses confidence in the general examinations...

Species point records from 1987 University of Dundee Inganess Bay and Wideford Burn sublittoral survey

The grab survey showed that at the time Inganess Bay has very limited, largely wave-induced circulation with the central area of the bay being a depositing area where accumulation of additional...

Habitat point records from 1987 University of Dundee Inganess Bay and Wideford Burn sublittoral survey

The grab survey showed that at the time Inganess Bay has very limited, largely wave-induced circulation with the central area of the bay being a depositing area where accumulation of additional...

COLDTREE project data on cold tolerance and dormancy assessments in pine and beech

Summarising, the objectives of the Coldtree project were: To identify novel physiological, and genetic techniques indicative of the onset of winter hardiness and dormancy in woody species and,...

Fixed Penalty Notice - Graffiti

The Fixed Penalty Notices (FPNs) issued for graffiti from 2005 to 2009 by local authorities. (excluding offences which amount to criminal damage, or graffiti which is based on hostility to a racial...

Composition of starting materials, conditions under which those materials were heated to metamorphic temperatures and analytical results, including mineralogy and phosphorus speciation

The dataset includes results from laboratory experiments aiming to explore the reduction and polymerization potential of phosphorus under metamorphic conditions. Table 1 shows the initial...

Crime in England and Wales 2010/11

This is the tenth report in an annual series combining crimes recorded by the police and interviews from the British Crime Survey (BCS) for the financial year 2010/11. Each source has different...

Derelict land

Previously developed land that is unused or may be available for redevelopment by land type and Planning AuthorityNotes: Land so damaged by previous industrial or other development that it is...

Cooperative Crash Injury Study (CCIS)

Data concerning the damage to vehicles involved in "tow-away" accidents is compared with personal injury data collected from hospitals in order to understand the injury causation and therefore...

Presentation Material from the NSTA Frontier Basins Research Workshop

This delivery provides copies of the technical presentations from the Frontier Basins Research Workshop that was hosted by the NSTA in collaboration with Heriot-Watt University on the 27th June...

Phytophthora Ramorum Wood Biofuel Processors GB

Premises where P.ramorum infected wood and co-product is utilised as biofuel for heat and/or energy. Following the find of larch trees infected with Phytophthora ramorum in late 2009 there was a...

List of UK black poplar clones and their DNA fingerprint (2007-2015)

Native black poplar in the UK is a rare and endangered tree species that has been heavily reproduced vegetatively, leading to issues of widespread clonal replication. This data presents the DNA...