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NI Water Annual Information Return 2019 2020 Table 3 Key Out puts Sewerage Service Internal Flooding (total)

1978-2011 ARTOO Marine Biology Consultants (ARTOO) South East United Kingdom (UK) distribution of the non-native seaspider Ammothea hilgendorfii

UK records of Ammothea hilgendorfi in the UK between 1978 and 2010. The paper puts this UK distribution in context of the global distribution of this species.

1978-2011 ARTOO Marine Biology Consultants (ARTOO) South East United Kingdom (UK) distribution of the non-native seaspider Ammothea hilgendorfii

UK records of Ammothea hilgendorfi in the UK between 1978 and 2010. The paper puts this UK distribution in context of the global distribution of this species.

CYC Budget Consultation

City of York Council (CYC) carries out budget consultations asking residents of York to complete a questionnaire giving them the opportunity to put forward their views to help the council make...

Aberdeen Air Quality Management Areas

Air Quality Management Areas are declared when there is an exceedance or likely exceedance of an air quality objective. After declaration, the authority must prepare an Air Quality Action Plan...

Important Open Area And Recreation Use

Undeveloped open areas within or closely associated with settlements and which are defined as making a contribution to the setting of parts of the settlements concerned and which also have a...

Aberdeen Grit Bins/Boxes

Location of adopted grit boxes throughout the city, along with their type – either glass-fibre or plastic. Note, ACC does not adopt grit boxes that a factor, developer or any other party has put in...

Review of quantitative data requirements of Local Government and Public Bodies

Statistics on the number of requests for quantitative information that Scottish Government put to local government and other public bodies in 2005/06 and 2008/09. Source agency: Scottish...

Pendle Trade Union Facility TIme

This details the staff resources (in the form of union representatives) and spend related to Trade Union duties at Pendle Council. The 31/03/2014 dataset does not contain a spend estimate as this...

Listed Buildings

A listed building is one that is 'of special architectural or historic interest' and has been included on a list kept by the Secretary of State for the Environment. The list puts a mark against...

Breast feeding initiation

The percentage of women giving birth in 2007/08 who put their baby to the breast in the first 48 hours after delivery, out of all maternities where breast feeding initiation status is...

Covid-19 and financial hardship in London

At the end of 2020 the GLA commissioned the University of Essex to analyse the impact on Londoners of the Covid-19 crisis, of the emergency policies put in place since March 2020 and of some...

Wiltshire Council - Air Quality Management Areas

Air Quality Management Areas identify locations where one or more UK Air Quality objectives have not been achieved. In Wiltshire’s case these are areas relate to locations where the annual mean...

UK Frequency Allocation Plan

The data is in JSON format and is used to populate Ofcom’s UKFAT. The UK FAT details the uses to which various frequency bands are put in the UK (referred to as 'allocations') and which bodies are...

EU Projects: SACS/SACS2 - Saline Aquifer CO2 Storage - An Offshore Demonstrations at the Sleipner Field

The SACS and SACS2 projects ran sequentially from 1998 to 2002, with the aim of developing research into the potential for large-scale storage of CO2 in underground saline aquifer formations. SACS...

Air Quality Management Areas

Since December 1997 each local authority in the UK has been carrying out a review and assessment of air quality in their area. This involves measuring air pollution and trying to predict how it...

Water use by industry in England and Wales, 2006/07

Approximately half the 12.7 billion cubic metres of water abstracted in 2006-07 in England and Wales was for public water supply, with the remainder largely accounted for in cooling uses by the...

Frailty Analysis: Managing The Care Of Older People With Frailty

A newly published analysis using the Electronic Frailty index (eFI) identifies the number of older people with severe, moderate and mild frailty in Camden. The analysis shows that about a third...

Air Quality Management Areas

This dataset shows identified areas where air quality objectives for a particular pollutant are unlikely to be met. Since December 1997 each local authority in the UK has been carrying out a...

Children with a Statement of Special Educational Needs or an Educational Health and Care Plan 2015-16

Children with a Statement of Special Educational Needs or an Educational Health and Care Plan 2015-16 by Ward. Children have special educational needs if they have a learning difficulty which calls...