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149 results found

Analytical results from lightning discharge experiments focusing on interactions between nitrogen oxides and pyrite

The dataset includes measurements of dissolved and gaseous nitrogen oxides (nitrite, nitrate, NO(g)) generated by lightning discharge in a glass container partially filled with water, as well as...

Focus on London - Poverty

**FOCUS**ON**LONDON**2011:**POVERTY**:THE**HIDDEN**CITY One of the defining features of London is that it is a city of contrasts. Although it is considered one of the richest cities in the world,...

Expenditure exceeding £500 - 2023

Details of each individual item of expenditure that exceeds £500 for the year 2023. This includes items of expenditure consistent with Local Government Association guidance such as individual...

State of the Environment report for London

London’s Environment Revealed is a joint report on the State of the Environment in London, produced by the Greater London Authority, Environment Agency, Natural England and the Forestry Commission....

Continental extension leading to breakup: determining the 3D structure of the west Galicia rifted margin (NERC Grant NE/E015883/1)

The data result from a cooperative project between the U.K., U.S., Germany, Spain, and Portugal. This 2013 seismic experiment surveyed the Galicia Bank region off Iberia with the RV Marcus...

Habitat point records from 1965-70 DAFS Scottish littoral sediment survey

The study of a number of sandy beaches covering a range of environmental conditions revealed faunistic variation which reflected the different species' tolerance of or preference for the conditions...

Species point records from 1965-70 DAFS Scottish littoral sediment survey

The study of a number of sandy beaches covering a range of environmental conditions revealed faunistic variation which reflected the different species' tolerance of or preference for the conditions...

Grant Register

The data lists grants awarded by the Council. The register is being updated to ensure all grants are listed and will next be updated in May 2015. The Council will publish updates to the register...

Audit Trail Analysis Service 2

Audit Trail Analysis Service 2 (ATAS2) will be used by many DWP business systems for the storage of audit trail data and for making that data available for interrogation. The ATAS systems can...

OS Mastermap Highways Network - Paths

OS MasterMap® Highways Network – Paths is the most accurate and authoritative path network dataset for Great Britain. It reveals who's responsible for all the footpaths through towns and...

Nanoindentation, high-angular resolution electron backscatter diffraction (HR-EBSD), and transmission electron microscopy data in synthetic forsterite bicrystal samples (NERC Grant NE/S00162X/1)

The data are nanoindentation, high-angular resolution electron backscatter diffraction (HR-EBSD), and transmission electron microscopy data collected on samples of synthetic forsterite bicrystals...

TPO Trees (Groups, Areas and Woodlands)

Bradford Council maintains 2 separate data sources for its recording and management of Tree Preservation Orders (TPO), Single_Tree_Inspire and Groups_Areas_Woodlands. Both datasets must be used in...

TPO Single Trees

Bradford Council maintains 2 separate data sources for its recording and management of Tree Preservation Orders (TPO), Single_Tree_Inspire and Groups_Areas_Woodlands. Both datasets must be used in...

BGS Seabed Geology 10k: Bristol Channel version 1.0

The Seabed Geology 10k: Bristol Channel is a digital geological map portraying the distribution of the different geological substrate units (either of bedrock or unlithified deposits) present on...

U-Th chronology results of Siberian and Mongolian speleothems, data used as the basis of a scientific paper. (NERC Grant NE/G013829/1)

The data presented in the Table 1 are U-Th chronology results of Siberian and Mongolian speleothems. This data is a basis for a scientific paper of Vaks, A. et al. (2013) "Speleothems Reveal...

RSA Heritage Index

The RSA (Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce) is collaborating with the Heritage Lottery Fund to better understand the links between heritage and identity at the...

2008 Mineur et al. UK west coast records for Bonnemaisonia hamifera

It has traditionally been considered that areas with high natural species richness are likely to be more resistant to non-indigenous species than those with lower numbers of species. However, this...

2008 Mineur et al. UK west coast records for Bonnemaisonia hamifera

It has traditionally been considered that areas with high natural species richness are likely to be more resistant to non-indigenous species than those with lower numbers of species. However, this...

QICS Paper: Phosphorus behavior in sediments during a sub-seabed CO2 controlled release experiment

The CO2 controlled release experiment “Quantifying and Monitoring Potential Ecosystem Impacts of Geological Carbon Storage” (QICS) assessed the impacts of potential CO2 leakage from sub-seabed...

Historic reconstructions of daily groundwater levels for eight boreholes in Burkina Faso (NERC Grant NE/M008827/1)

This dataset consists of reconstructions of daily groundwater levels for eight boreholes in Burkina Faso. Data for each borehole is provided in an individual csv file, with reconstructed...