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EWCO - Flood Risk Management

Spatial data supporting appropriately located and designed woodland creation to help reduce flood risk by slowing flood flows and increasing the retention and infiltration of water on the...

Ferry Link

A Ferry Link is a linear spatial object which represents the connectivity of a vehicular ferry route across a body of water. A Ferry Link will only be captured where both terminals are located...

Connecting Link

The Road and Path Networks are not topologically structured together. Connecting Links have been introduced to enable a connection between the Road Network and the Path Network without splitting...

Road Node

A point spatial object that is used to break up the road network for connectivity. The road network splits for the following circumstances: The location where an attribute recorded on the Road Link...

Woodland Grant Scheme 3 England

The Woodland Grant Scheme (WGS) provided incentives for people to create and manage woodlands on sites all over Great Britain. The Forestry Commission paid grants for establishing and looking...

EWCO - NfC Social

Spatial data supporting the England Woodland Creation Offer (EWCO) ‘Close to settlements’ Additional Contribution. This contribution is available where woodland creation will provide social and...

Road Link

A Road Link is a linear spatial object that defines the geometry and connectivity of a road network between two points in the network. Road Links can represent single carriageways, dual...

Path Link

A Path Link is a linear spatial object that defines the geometry and connectivity of the path network between two points in the network. Path Links will be split for connectivity purposes (for...

EWCO Biodiversity - Priority Species - Red Squirrel - Woodland Creation

Spatial data supporting the England Woodland Creation Offer (EWCO) additional contribution targeting for Nature Recovery. This layer is identical to that titled ‘CS WCM Biodiversity - Priority...

EWCO - Keeping Rivers Cool Riparian Buffers

Spatial data supporting appropriately located and designed woodland creation where this will provide dappled shade to improve aquatic ecology by reducing summer water temperatures and benefiting...

Local Development Plan 2015 Supplementary Guidance: Spatial Framework for Wind Energy - Argyll and Bute

Renewables Spatial Framework incorporating the Carbon and Peatland map as published by SNH on 30th June 2016

Spatial mapping of surficial soil organic carbon storage and stocks across Great British saltmarshes

The geospatial dataset maps organic carbon (OC) storage (kg OC m-2) and OC stocks (tonnes OC) of surficial soils across 438 Great British saltmarshes. The OC density for the surficial soils (top 10...

Spatial and temporal datasets for 11 different small-scale laboratory experiments of fluid-driven fractures

These data consist of spatial and temporal datasets for 11 different small-scale laboratory experiments of fluid-driven fractures, described in the paper Up, down, and round again: the circulating...

Protected Zone Plots Additional GB 10K Grid 2014

Survey sites used to confirm the absence/presence of bark beetle species, Pinewood Nematode and Pitch Pine Canker. The PZ plots defined by this set of data reflect a proposed 2 year, annual survey...

Protected Zone Plots Additional GB 10K Grid 2015

Survey sites used to confirm the absence/presence of bark beetle species, Pinewood Nematode and Pitch Pine Canker. The PZ plots defined by this set of data reflect a proposed 2 year, annual survey...

EWCO - NfC Ammonia Emissions Capture for SSSI Protection

Spatial data supporting the England Woodland Creation Offer (EWCO) additional point scoring for ammonia capture. There is no Additional Contribution for ammonia capture but EWCO supports action to...

Countryside Stewardship Woodland Sub Compartments

Countryside Stewardship (CS) was launched in 2015 and is a Rural Development Programme for England (RDPE) grant scheme. It will contribute around £900 million over six years to help farmers and...

Spatial attendance data for immature common guillemots (Uria aalge) at four sites in a large breeding colony

This dataset contains data on the spatial attendance patterns of immature common guillemots (Uria aalge) at four sites in a large breeding colony. Data were collected from 25th April-12th May and...

Historic grassland survey data with contemporary spatial habitat data for semi-natural grasslands across England

[THIS DATASET HAS BEEN WITHDRAWN]. This dataset compares historic grassland survey data with contemporary spatial data of habitats in England. The NVC community and grassland type were determined...

Spatial masks for calcareous, coastal, upland and lowland heath landscapes in England [Key Habitats 1992-93]

This dataset contains existing and potential areas of habitats associated with calcareous, coastal, upland and lowland heath landscapes. The dataset was initially created to provide a sampling...