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297 results found

NI 023 - Perceptions that people in the area treat one another with respect and consideration

Encouraging local authorities and their partners to take action to promote strong communities with shared values where community members treat one another

% of panel disagree the council treated them fairly and with respect in the last 12 months

% of panel disagree the council treated them fairly and with respect in the last 12 months

% of panel agree the council treated them fairly and with respect in the last 12 months

% of panel agree the council treated them fairly and with respect in the last 12 months

Performance Dashboard Registrations to store, treat or dispose of non-hazardous waste.

This dashboard shows information about how the Registrations to store, treat or dispose of non-hazardous waste. service is currently performing. This is a "beta" service. The dashboard shows...

Correspondence Case Record – Treat Official

Correspondence received from members of the public which will be answered by locally by the relevant FSA business area.

NI 023 Perceptions that people in the area treat one another with respect and consideration

Encouraging local authorities and their partners to take action to promote strong communities with shared values where community members treat one another Source: Department for Children Schools...

Carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide and methane fluxes from winter wheat treated with organic and inorganic fertilisers, UK, 2022

This dataset contains 2-hourly observations of biogenic fluxes of carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrous oxide (N2O) and methane (CH4) measured from a winter wheat crop grown on a mineral soil in the UK...

Novel drilling with bird surveys

Novel seed drilling methods: seed availability and risk from treated seeds and molluscicides to small mammals and birds

Communal establishment residents (2001 Census)

Number of residents in communal establishments (defined as managed residential accommodation where there is full-time or part-time supervision of the accommodation) Source: Census 2001 Publisher:...

Habitat point records from 1973-81 DWT Devon and Cornwall occasional surveys

These are three separate studies of areas in Plymouth Sound. Each is treated as a separate site with a single habitat.

Species point records from 1973-81 DWT Devon and Cornwall occasional surveys

These are three separate studies of areas in Plymouth Sound. Each is treated as a separate site with a single habitat.

Cornwall Council Owned Land

Cornwall Council Owned Land shows assets either owned or leased by the Council. This data should be treated as indicative rather than definitive, and should not be considered as the complete...

BDC Gifts & Hospitalities Register

Blaby District Council hold a register of all Gifts and hospitalities received by Council staff. We treat the acceptance of gifts with extreme caution, the rules on accepting gifts and...

Prescribing for diabetes in England

This report shows on prescribing trends for medicines prescribed in primary care in England for the treatment of diabetes for the period since April 2005. Diabetes is a high profile clinical area,...

Hospital Episode Statistics

HES is the national statistical data warehouse for England of the care provided by NHS hospitals and for NHS hospital patients treated elsewhere. HES is the data source for a wide range of...

National Pulmonary Hypertension Audit

The National Audit of Pulmonary Hypertension (NAPH) is an audit of processes and outcomes and all 8 designated centres participate. In the UK, 7 centres are designated to diagnose and treat PH in...

DCMS Prompt Payment Monthly Statistics

All Standard Terms and Conditions of contracts for goods and services contain provision so that: - DCMS will pay a correctly submitted invoice within 30 days of receipt for contracted work that...

Northern Ireland Fireworks Injuries

This statistical release gives details of the number of persons injured by fireworks in Northern Ireland during the Halloween period. The survey coveres a four/five-week period and covers those...

London NHS cancer service waiting time performance report

The waiting time of people referred by their GP with suspected cancer or breast symptoms and those subsequently diagnosed with and treated for cancer, by London NHS hospital and Primary Care Trust...

Monthly Iraq and Afghanistan UK Patient Treatment Statistics

This report provides statistical information on Armed Forces personnel returned to the UK from Iraq and Afghanistan as a result of an injury or illness that have been treated at the Royal Centre...