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Northern Ireland Compliance Checks

This is a report providing information on Compliance Checks for heavy goods vehicles, buses and taxis, which are carried out to determine the roadworthiness and traffic compliance of heavy goods...

NHS Health Check quarterly statistics

Number of NHS Health Checks offered and uptake each quarter, for the year to date and over five years April 2013-March 2018 Source agency: Public Health England Designation: Official Statistics...

Northern Ireland Bus Compliance Check

This is a report providing information on the biennial Bus Compliance Check, which is carried out to determine the roadworthiness and traffic compliance of buses travelling on the roads in Northern...

Northern Ireland Taxi Compliance Check

This is a report providing information on the biennial Taxi Compliance Check, which is carried out to determine the roadworthiness and traffic compliance of taxis travelling on the roads in...

CRB checks and job positions

FOI response: 1a) How many criminal record checks were made in 2009, 2010 and 2011? 1b) Please could you break this figure down by the ""post applied for"" field. 2a) How many convicted criminals...

% of eligible population aged 40-74 offered an NHS Health Check who received an NHS Health Check

% of eligible population aged 40-74 offered an NHS Health Check who received an NHS Health Check

Exercises - File Checking and Rank Exercise

Details of claim checks and reviews

CRB checks and conviction data

FOI response: 1) For each of the registered and umbrella bodies, how many criminal records checks were carried out in 2009, 2010 and 2011? 2) How many of these checks disclosed conviction data in...

Accessibility Areas Interest

areas on interest relating to access route.

CRB checks processed for local authorities

The number of CRB checks processed for local authority bodies in the year of 2011 (Jan-Dec inclusive).


This extract is taken from ArcGIS created polygons showing areas of Conservation Interest in the borough of Ashford, Kent

List of Ministers' Interests

Under the terms of the Ministerial Code, ministers must ensure that no conflict arises, or could reasonably be perceived to arise, between their ministerial position and their private interests,...

Northern Ireland Goods Vehicle Compliance Check Report

This is a report providing information on the biennial HGV Goods Compliance Check, which is carried out to determine the roadworthiness and traffic compliance of heavy goods vehicles and trailers...

Register of Directors Interests

FCO(S) - Register of Interests for FCO Service Board Members

Mayor's Office Register of Interests

Declaration of personal interests by the Mayor's Office. The Mayor of London is required to declare personal interests in the Standing Register of Interests. He/she must register these details...

Places of interest

Polygon layer recording places of interest/tourist attractions in the City. This dataset was created to make mapping of these features easier. Data is created from the Ordnance Survey Mastermap...

Assembly Member Register of Interests

Declaration of personal interests by the Mayor's Office. The 25 Members of the London Assembly and the Mayor of London are required to declare their personal interests in the Standing Register of...

Interest liable (£) to suppliers due to late payment of invoices (including interest paid)

Interest liable (£) to suppliers due to late payment of invoices (including interest paid) This data along with the [__interest paid (£) to suppliers due to late payment of...

2013 London Town Centre Health Check Analysis Report

This comprehensive database for town centres is the Technical Annex associated with the GLA publication: “2013 Town Centre Health Check report’. The indicators for this database are categorised in...

Habitat - Special Interest Verges

Dataset shows Special Interest Verges within the boundaries of North Yorkshire County Council but excluding the 2 National Parks (Yorkshire Dales and North York Moors)