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Section Miscellaneous - Craven District Council

Section 104, 220, 16, 102 etc - all aother than section 106 relating to properties.

North Lincolnshire Council Section 106

North Lincolnshire Council Section 106 represented as polygons.

CRoW Act 2000 - Section 4 Conclusive Registered Common Land

Shows land mapped as Conclusive Registered Common Land under the Countryside Rights of Way (CRoW) Act 2000. Attribution statement: © Natural England copyright. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown...

Airborne Magnetic Survey Records For United Kingdom And Adjacent Areas.

Analogue aeromagnetic surveys of Great Britain for the Geological Survey (GSGB), subsequently digitised. Commercial Analogue survey of North Sea by Aerosurveys Inc, subsequently digitised by BGS....

Planned Expenditure of Local Authorities on education and Children's social care functions (Section 251 data)

This data presents budget / planned expenditure returned to the DfE by Local Authorities as part of their commitments set out in the Apprenticeship, Skills, Children and Learning Act 2009. It...

ENPA Section 3 Woodland

Section 3 of the Wildlife and Countryside (Amendment) Act 1985 requires the National Park Authority (NPA) to prepare a map of any areas of mountain, moor, heath, woodland, down, cliff or foreshore...

Section 3 - Coastal Areas

Defined Section 3 – Coastal areas in Snowdonia National Park, the limit of each coastal area is recorded as a polygon. Section 3 of the Wildlife and Countryside (Amendment) Act 1985 placed a...

Section 96 Approvals information

We determine which qualifications should be approved for delivery and funding in schools and colleges up to age 19. This information is held in an Access data base. It is also held elsewhere...

NYMNPA Section 106 Agreements

Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 allows a local planning authority to enter into a legally binding agreement or planning obligation with a land developer over a related issue....

NYMNPA Section 3 Woodland

Section 3 Woodland. In the North York Moors, woodland covers 22% of the National Park but it varies considerably in type and scale. Coniferous plantation accounts for nearly three-quarters of the...

NYMNPA Section 3 Coast

Section 3 Coast. The Section 3 Conservation Map shows a range of coastal habitats which are important for wildlife and landscape features. All unimproved land, such as coastal heath, scrub and...

DNPA Section 3 Woodland

Section 3 Woodland. Section 3 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act of 1985 requires the National Park Authority to prepare a map showing areas of mountain, moor, heath, woodland, down, cliff or...

DNPA Section 3 Moorland

Section 3 Moor and Heath. The map gives an overall impression of the distribution of moor and heath and those areas which are considered particularly important to retain. The conservation of the...

Applied Geology Maps and Sections

This dataset contains the .tif (Tag Image File Format) scans of all the applied geology maps (otherwise known as thematic or environmental) and sections produced as part of "Geological background...

Seismic locations and sections database

The Seismic Locations and Sections database (LOCSEC) stores digitised seismic reflection survey location and line-interpretation data. Supplementary data stored includes map projection information...

Christchurch Borough Council Section 106 2018

Christchurch Borough Council Section 106 (2018). This dataset is derived from Ordnance Survey base mapping.

Section 106 Agreements (polygon data) 2017

Dataset shows Land Charges for Section 106 Agreements

Allerdale Section 215 Agreements Land Charge

Section 215 Agreements recorded as Land Charge and expressed as polygon extents. Section 215 notices may be served by the local planning authority where it is considered that the condition of a...

Allerdale Section 38 Agreements Land Charge

Section 38 Agreements recorded as Land Charges and expressed as polygons. A Section 38 is a Highways adoption agreement recorded on behalf of Allerdale Borough Council by the Highway Authority -...

Allerdale Section 158 Agreements Land Charge

Section 158 Agreement expressed as a Land Charge and recorded as polygons. Registered under the Water Resources Act 1991 for water resource purposes.