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8,498 results found

Spelthorne Current Planning Applications

Current Planning Applications within Spelthorne Borough Council

List of Current Byelaws

List of Current Byelaws in the Borough

List of Current Byelaws

List of Current Byelaws in the Borough

Current Incidents Information Feed

Information Feed about Yorkshire Water Current Investments, in JSON format. *This dataset has been published within the York Open Data thanks to the courtesy of Leeds Data Mill

NNDR Current Relief 2016/2017

NNDR Current Relief 2017

NNDR Current Relief 2017/2018

NNDR Current Relief 2017/2018

NNDR - Current Relief 2015/2016

NNDR - Current Relief 2015/2016

Non-domestic rates current reliefs

Non-domestic rates current reliefs

Current Air Quality Monitoring Stations

Wolverhampton City Council Current Air Quality Monitoring Stations

FSA Non-Current Asset Register

Details of the Non-Current Assets held on the FSA’s Statement of Financial Position.

Current Spending

Details of Council spending from April 2016 onward

Waste Management Licence Current Exemptions

Current Waste Management Licence Exemption data as required by Schedule 3 of the Waste Management Licensing (WML) Regulations 1994 (as amended) lists the activities which are normally exempt...

GVA per hour (£) - Current Price (smoothed)

GVA per hour (£) - Current Price (smoothed)

Surface Mining (Past and Current)

Surface Mining Areas denote an area of coal extracted by surface excavations in the past or are being excavated currently, these sites do not necessarily reflect the extent of the excavation. Coal...

Non-domestic rates current empty property reliefs

Current non-domestic rates current empty property reliefs

Current Arms Embargoes and Other Restrictions

Provides details of current arms embargoes and other relevant restrictions in force with respect to specific countries, on all countries or on terrorist organizations.

Gross value added at current basic prices

Estimates of Gross Value Added (GVA) by industry at current prices Source agency: Office for National Statistics Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: Gross...

GVA per filled job (£) - Current Price (smoothed)

GVA per filled job (£) - Current Price (smoothed)

Council Current Spending

Details of Council spending from April 2016 onward. Please click 'Download' to view this data in a spreadsheet.  This will enable you to filter the information more easily, for example by month. ...

Council Current Spending

Due to the unprecedented circumstances we are facing during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, it may not be possible for us to meet the timescales stipulated with regard to Council Spend Data...