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736 results found

NHS Referral to Treatment Waiting Times

Information on Consultant-led Referral to Treatment (RtT) waiting times, monitoring length of time from referral through to elective treatment. Source agency: NHS England Designation: National...

Yorkshire & Humberside Local Implementation Plan

Yorkshire & Humberside Relationship Team Local Implementation Plan

Coal Mining Referral Area

Coal Mining Referral area showing areas of high development risk. The Development High Risk Area is the part of the coal mining reporting area which contains one or more recorded coal mining...

Fraud Referral And Intervention Management System

The Fraud Referral and Intervention Management System is a single nationally networked IT system that captures all Fraud and Customer Compliance cases and their outcomes on one system. The system...

Project MOLAR Dental Referrals Spreadsheet

MS Excel spreadsheet held in Z-Drive that records details of candidates referred to see a Service Dentist, the reason for referral and the outcome.

Project MOLAR Dental Referrals Spreadsheet

MS Excel spreadsheet held in Z-Drive that records details of candidates referred to see a Service Dentist, the reason for referral and the outcome. Records are not duplicated or sent anywhere.

Eighteen Weeks Referral to Treatment Waiting Times

Quarterly waiting times statistics for the 18 weeks Referral To Treatment standard. From November 2011 release this publication will be renamed NHS Scotland Waiting Times. Source agency: ISD...

Referral to Treatment Times(RTTs)

Referral to treatment (RTT) times for patients whose 18 week clock stopped during the month with an inpatient/day case admission. Source: Department of Health (DoH) Publisher: Department of...

Referral Routes to Adult Social Care Services

Tables showing referral routes of new contacts to adult social care and numbers of referrals handled solely at point of contact. Data is from historic statutory returns. Figures are rounded to...

Children Order Child Protection Register and Referral Statistics

This statistical bulletin presents information derived from the annual CPR3 and CPR4 returns for the year ending 31 March. This includes the number of referrals to social services, the source of...

Number of referrals to Children's Social Care - (YTD)

Number of referrals to Children's Social Care - (YTD)

London NHS referral to treatment (RTT) waiting time performance

The waiting time for patients from referral by their GP to treatment at London NHS hospitals. This information covers patients admitted to hospital, those not admitted, and those patients still...

Implementing the Government ICT Strategy - ICT Metrics

In March 2011, the Coalition Government set out a vision for Government ICT at the heart of delivery of efficient, cost-effective public services which are responsive to the needs of citizens and...

Family Services Contact and CSC Referral figures 2014/15 to Present

Family Services Contacts and Referrals to Children's Social Care (Quarterly) This is a dataset noting the number of contacts that we get into our Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) and how...

IAPT Referrals (18+), per 100,000 population - (VoY CCG)

IAPT Referrals (18+), per 100,000 population - (VoY CCG) *This indicator has been discontinued

Reablement - assessments to be completed within 6 weeks of referral

Reablement - assessments to be completed within 6 weeks of referral *This indicator has been discontinued.

Direct access audiology Referral to treatment (RTT) times

Referral to treatment (RTT) times for patients whose 18 week clock stopped during the month for reasons other than an inpatient/ day case admission. Source: Department of Health (DoH) Publisher:...

NHS Referral to Treatment (RTT) Waiting Times Statistics for England

Referral to treatment waiting annual report for calendar year Source agency: Health Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: RtT Annual Report

NHS Referral to Treatment (RTT) Waiting Times Statistics for England

Referral to treatment waiting annual report for calendar year Source agency: NHS England Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: RtT Annual Report

Human Trafficking: National Referral Mechanism Statistics

The National Referral Mechanism (NRM) is a framework for identifying victims of human trafficking and ensuring they receive the appropriate protection and support. The NRM is also the mechanism...