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Forest Regulation Task Force questionnaire Question 4 responses on priorities for change

Answers by organisations to Question 4 of the questionnaire on stakeholders' priorities for change


Compliance Programme and VA / ESE Tasking Spreadsheet (Legacy Data)

EU Project Report: Saline aquifer CO2 storage : a demonstration project at the Sleipner Field : Work Area 5 (Geophysics) : gravity modelling of the CO2 bubble

This report describes the results of Task 5.1 in SACS2 Work Area 5 (Geophysics). The aim of the Task is to evaluate the applicability of microgravity surveys as a means of monitoring the future...

Intertidal mudflats layer for England

Data that contributed to the MB0102 Task 2I English intertidal habitats dataset.


BHATS is the application from which all requests for JHC Helicopters are processed, collated and tasked.

Natural England Site Information System (ENSIS) Marine SSSI data

Data that contributed to the MB0102 Task 2I English intertidal habitats dataset. Overlapping polygons described as mosaics.

Limestone Pavement Orders - Craven District Council

Limestone pavements are outcrops of limestone where the surface has been worn away by natural means over millennia. These rocks have the appearance of paving blocks, hence their name. Not only do...

London Office of Data Analytics

The GLA and Nesta are working together to run a pilot to demonstrate that performing data analytics on datasets sourced from multiple local authorities and public sector bodies can help reform...

EU Project Report: Multicomponent seismic monitoring of CO2 gas cloud in the Utsira Sand: A feasibility study : Saline Aquifer Co2 Storage Phase 2 (SACS2)

This document is part of the second phase of the Saline Aquifer CO2 Storage (SACS2) project. It describes the results of Task 5.6 of Work Area 5 (Geophysics): Feasibility of multicomponent data...

Probability of automation in England

Estimates of the probability of automation in England by demographic, regional and industry breakdowns, as well as the skills and tasks at risk of automation within jobs.

Article 4 Direction - Ipswich Borough Council

The Article 4 Directions in Ipswich are applied within the boundaries of existing conservation areas and enhance the protection offered by the conservation area designations. In most instances they...

Bexley Brownfield Land Register

All Local Planning Authorities are tasked by the government with producing a 'Brownfield Land Register' of previously developed sites for potential housing use. This page provides the data for...

Dartford Brownfield Land Register

All Local Planning Authorities are tasked by the government with producing a 'Brownfield Land Register' of previously developed sites for potential housing use. This page provides the data for...

Stoke-on-Trent Brownfield Register

All Local Planning Authorities are tasked by the government with producing a 'Brownfield Land Register' of previously developed sites for potential housing use. This page provides the data for the...

Blackpool Brownfield Register

All Local Planning Authorities are tasked by the government with producing a 'Brownfield Land Register' of previously developed sites for potential housing use. This page provides the data for...

North Tyneside Council Brownfield Land Register

All Local Planning Authorities are tasked by the government with producing a 'Brownfield Land Register' of previously developed sites for potential housing use. This page provides the data for...

Hastings Borough Council Brownfield Register

All Local Planning Authorities are tasked by the government with producing a 'Brownfield Land Register' of previously developed sites for potential housing use. This page provides the data for...

Brownfield Register

All Local Planning Authorities are tasked by the government with producing a 'Brownfield Land Register' of previously developed sites for potential housing use. This page provides the data for...

Long-Term Monitoring of Health Inequalities

First annual update of the set of headline indicators recommended in the Equally Well report of the ministerial task force on health inequalities. Source agency: Scottish Government Designation:...

Hastings Borough Council Brownfield Register

All Local Planning Authorities are tasked by the government with producing a 'Brownfield Land Register' of previously developed sites for potential housing use. This page provides the spatial data...