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363 results found

Waveney District Council/Pet shops

Pet shops

Babergh District Council/Pet shops

Pet shops

Abandoned Shopping Trolleys in Bristol rivers

Annual survey of number of abandoned supermarket trolleys in Bristol rivers from 2005.

Shopping Parade - Local Plan 2012

Shopping Parade relevant at the local level of the Local Plan 2012

Major Centre Primary Shopping Area

showing boundary of primary shopping area of major centres as defined in the London Plan; the borough has two - brixton and streatham

District Centre Primary Shopping Areas

showing boundaries of District Centres as defined in the London Plan and lambeth's Core Strategy;  these are the larger shopping areas such as west norwood or clapham.

HambletonDC Town Centre Shop Classifications

Polygons representing the footprints of all the commercial properties in and around the five market towns of Hambleton. Every record is classfiied in accordance with its business type and the...

Gainsborough Primary Shopping Area (2023)

Polygon dataset showing the Gainsborough Primary Shopping Area.

Number of vacant city centre shops

Number of vacant city centre shops

Reduction in CO2 through investing in more efficient street lighting (%)

Reduction in CO2 through investing in more efficient street lighting (%) *This indicator has been discontinued

Domestic Energy Factfile - energy efficiency of the British housing stock

The purpose of this report is to gather together in one volume data on important trends related to domestic energy use, and in particular on the measures that have been taken to improve energy...

Energy efficiency: Average SAP rating for all Council Homes

Energy efficiency: Average SAP rating for all Council Homes

Local Plan 2003 District Shopping Centres

Shopping Centres relevant at the district level of the Local Plan 2003.

North Norfolk District Council LDF Shopping

This dataset contains the areas designated under the Local Development Framework as key retail areas

Local Plan 2003 Local Shopping Centres

Shopping Centres relevant at the local level of the Local Plan 2003.

Suffolk Costal District Council/Pet shops

Pet shops

Mid Suffolk District Council/Pet shops

Pet shops

St Edmundsbury Borough Council/Pet shops

Pet shops

Forest Heath District Council/Pet shops

Pet shops

Secondary Shopping Frontage - Local Plan 2012

Secondary Shopping Frontage relevant at the local level of the Local Plan 2012