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978 results found

Children in Care: Substance misuse

Substance misuse of looked after children (looked after for at least twelve months) Source: Department for Children Schools and Families (DCSF) Publisher: Department for Children Schools and...

Police related road traffic incidents

Fatalities arising from road traffic incidents (RTIs) involving police vehicles make up the largest single group of deaths following police contact and are therefore a significant proportion of...

Confirmed cases of BSE born after 18th July 1988 in GB

Confirmed cases of BSE born after 18th July 1988 in GB Attribution statement:

Personal Social Services Survey of Adult Carers in England

This is a biennial survey, undertaken by councils in which carers’ thoughts and opinions were sought on a number of topics that are considered to be indicative of a balanced life alongside their...

IBS Nutrition Study- Condensed Data Set

To measure cognitive performance in infantrymen before and after 8wks trg to look at the effect of nutritional supplementation

Children in Care in Northern Ireland Statistical Bulletin

Formerly Outcome Indicators for Looked After Children. This statistical bulletin presents information on children who had been looked after continuously for 12 months or more at 30 September. It...

Countryside Stewardship Scoring Woodland Improvement England 2016/2017

This dataset was used for scoring Higher Tier Countryside Stewardship applications for Woodland Improvement in England for 2016/17. Countryside Stewardship (CS) was launched in 2015 and is a Rural...

National Diabetes Inpatient Audit - Harms

The Audit seeks to monitor these four complications: Did the patient require injectable rescue treatment for Hypoglycaemia (Hypo) more than 6 hours after admission? Was the patient diagnosed...

Countryside Stewardship Scoring Woodland Priority Habitat Network England 2016/2017

This dataset was used for scoring Higher Tier Countryside Stewardship applications for Woodland Creation in England for 2016/17 where points were available for Biodiversity objectives....

% of mothers who give their babies breast milk in the first 48 hours after delivery (breastfeeding initiation)

% of mothers who give their babies breast milk in the first 48 hours after delivery (breastfeeding initiation) *This indicator has been discontinued

% of children entering care who have previously been looked after, excluding Short Breaks - (YTD)

% of children entering care who have previously been looked after, excluding Short Breaks - (YTD)

Senior staff pay / salary data for Department for Communities and Local Government

The Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) has sought consent from individuals to publish the names and salaries of those staff earning a full-time salary over £60,000 (the Senior...

Woodland Grant Scheme 1 England

Description: The Woodland Grant Scheme (WGS) provides incentives for people to create and manage woodlands on sites all over Great Britain. The Forestry Commission pays grants for establishing...

HMRC Senior Officials Travel Report

For data after December 2023, go to This document reports all travel, accommodation and...

Energy Performance Certificate data - Green Deal (Scotland)

To analyse the energy efficiency status and energy patterns of all properties in Scotland taking out a GD Assessment/FiTs before and after installation of measures

NI 100 - Children in care reaching level 4 in Maths at Key Stage 2.

Number of looked after children who were in care for at least one year who were in year 6 (key stage 2) and who achieved at least level 4 in Maths against the total number of looked after children...

NI 099 - Children in care reaching level 4 in English at Key Stage 2.

Number of looked after children who were in care for at least one year who were in year 6 (key stage 2) and who achieved at least level 4 in English against the total number of looked after...

Proportion of older people (65 and over) who were still at home 91 days after discharge from hospital into reablement/rehabilitation services (NHSOF 3.6.i)

The proportion of older people (aged 65 and over), expressed as a percentage, who, after a period of reablement/rehabilitation, maintain their independence by remaining or returning to their home...

Energy Performance Certificate data - Green Deal (England and Wales)

To analyse the energy efficiency status and energy patterns of all properties in England and Wales taking out a GD Assessment/FiTs before and after installation of measures

Erewash District Council Article 4

Article 4 directions remove national permitted development rights meaning that planning permission must be sought, they protect Conservation Areas from unsympathetic alterations