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Business rates

This data has been taken from LG Inform at data reference ID 202. It shows the percentage of business rates collected in Plymouth between financial year 2008/2009 and...

Business rates

Information on all business who pay business rates in Leeds. Information includes business name, rateable value and full postal address. For a visualisation of the information contained in this...

NNDR Business Rates

__National Non Domestic Rates__ (NNDR) also known as 'Business Rates'. Fixed by the central government though collected by the City of York Council in the York area. These rates apply to...

Food Hygiene Rating

City of York Council’s data on Food Hygiene Rating in the city. The food hygiene rating or inspection result given to a business reflects the standards of food hygiene found on the date of...

Business rates

All Business rates excluding void properties in Stockport.

Ryedale Business Rates

Business Rates (National Non Domestic Rates (NNDR)) for properties in Ryedale

Bradford business rates

Business Rates datasets available for the City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council General list of business properties in the Bradford District Credits held against Business Rate accounts New...

Collection Rates for Council Tax and Non Domestic Rates, England

Press release relating to council tax and non-domestic rates collection rates by local billing authority. Source agency: Communities and Local Government Designation: National...

Business Rates

Information on businesses who pay business rates in Salford. Information includes business address, rateable value and other details.

Food Hygiene Ratings

Details of all food hygiene ratings for premises that have been inspected in Calderdale. This dataset includes links to create a CSV file, and links directly to the raw data on the Food Standards...

Employment Rate (%) (Male)

Employment Rate (%) (Male)

Employment Rate (%) (Female)

Employment Rate (%) (Female)

Average Room Rate

Average Room Rate

Collection Rates and Receipts of Council tax and Non Domestic rates, England

Press release relating to council tax and non-domestic rates collection rates by local billing authority. This publication was previously called 'Collection Rates of Council tax and Non Domestic...

Waste Rates

Waste rates for Leicester CityTotal % diversion is the amount that is diverted from landfill by recycling, reuse, composting and refuse derived fuel for energy recovery.

Residential and Nursing Rates

Details of rates payable for residential and nursing care.Where additional needs have been identified the payments to providers will exceed the banded rates shown. The rate charged to Health or...

Ryedale Business Rate Relief

Business Rates (National Non Domestic Rates (NNDR)) current relief

Rating Income

This data covers information on annual rating income for each Council area for the 2012-13 financial year to the 2015-16 financial year. The information is broken down by property type and includes...

Food Hygiene Ratings

Food Hygiene Ratings for premises serving food within Wycombe District, points

Population turnover rates

The Population Turnover Rate is calculated as the rate of in or out migratory moves within England and Wales per 1,000 resident population. A migrant is a person whose postcode of address on June...