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210 results found

UKCCSRC Call 2 Project: The Development and Demonstration of Best Practice Guidelines for the Safe Start-up Injection of CO2 into Depleted Gas Fields

The aim of this proposal is to develop and validate a multi-phase flow model for simulating the highly transient flow phenomena taking place in the well-bore during start-up injection of CO2...

UKCCSRC Call 2 project presentation: The development and demonstration of best practice guidelines for the start-up injection of CO2 into highly-depleted gas fields, UKCCSRC Edinburgh Biannual Meeting, 15.09.2016

This presentation on the UKCCSRC Call 2 project The development and demonstration of best practice guidelines for the start-up injection of CO2 into highly-depleted gas fields was presented at the...

EU Project Report: Best Practice for the Storage of CO2 in Saline Aquifers - Observations and guidelines from the SACS and CO2STORE projects

Many of the research results from the SACS and CO2STORE projects are published in the scientific literature but in a somewhat fragmented form. This report consolidates some of the key findings into...

EU Project Report: Best Practice for the Storage of CO2 in Saline Aquifers -Observations and guidelines from the SACS and CO2STORE projects

Many of the research results from the SACS and CO2STORE projects are published in the scientific literature but in a somewhat fragmented form. This report consolidates some of the key findings into...

UKCCSRC Call 2 project poster: The Development and Demonstration of Best Practice Guidelines for the Safe Start-up Injection of CO2, CSLF Call project poster reception, London, 27.06.16

This poster on the UKCCSRC Call 2 project The Development and Demonstration of Best Practice Guidelines for the Safe Start-up Injection of CO2 into Depleted Gas Fields was presented at the CSLF...

EU Project Report: CO2CARE - CO2 Site Closure Assessment Research, Best Practice Guidelines

This report presents a set of pragmatic and workable generic procedures, suggested best practices and other recommendations and observations for the safe and sustainable closure of geological CO2...

UKCCSRC Call 2 Project: Towards more flexible power generation with CCS: pilot plant test campaigns for best practice guidelines for post-combustion capture

This project aims to build on and strengthen joint industry research programmes between Edinburgh, Doosan Power Systems in the UK and Sulzer ChemTech, a world leading manufacturer of separation...

Prompt Payment Reporting for Capital for Enterprise Ltd

Percentages and volumes of supplier invoices paid withing government guidelines.

Epilepsy12 National Report 2012

This publication contains the results of Round 1 of the Epilepsy12 national clinical audit. The audit measured systematically the quality of health care fopr childhood epilepsies. The "12" refers...

Wirral Community Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust Expenditure Over 25k

This outlines Wirral Community Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust expenditure over £25K produced in line with HM Treasury guidelines.

NHS Doncaster CCG Expenditure over £25K

The data contains the over £25k expenditure for Doncaster CCG, which needs to be reported under the guidelines of NHS England.

JNCC's Marine Monitoring Method Finder

The Marine Monitoring Method Finder brings together a wide range of monitoring guidelines and procedures, and makes them readily available for use via a spreadsheet tool and search bar on our...

PM2.5 map and exposure data

This report contains an introduction to PM2.5­, summarises our current understanding of PM2.5 concentrations and exposure, discusses the findings of research undertaken by the GLA and TfL into the...

NI 051 Effectiveness of child and adolescent mental health (CAMHS) services

Work in Progress!!!!! Source: Department for Children Schools and Families (DCSF) Publisher: DCLG Floor Targets Interactive Geographies: County/Unitary Authority, Government Office Region (GOR),...

UKCCSRC Call 1 Project: FleCCSnet - Flexible CCS Network Development

This project will produce and disseminate the first design and operating guidelines for the flexible operation of CCS pipeline networks. The research will explore how CCS pipeline networks can...

NNPA Phase 1 Habitat Survey

Complete coverage of habitat types in Northumberland National Park, originally undertaken in 1992 then digitised later. Subsequently updated with patches of more up-to-date habitat information...

West Sussex Local Landscape Character Areas

The West Sussex Character Assessment was carried out in 2003, resulting in the identification of 42 unique areas and the production of land management guidelines for each character area. These...

Aquaculture - Guidance on the Location of Marine Fish Farms

Category 1, 2 and 3 areas are designated on the basis of Marine Scotland predictive models to estimate environmental sensitivity of sea lochs. The maps describe the Category 1, 2 and 3 areas for...

IPO prompt payment of supplier invoices

In line with Government guidelines issued at the beginning of 2009, the Intellectual Property Office is required to pay 80% of all It's undisputed supplier Invoices within 5 days of receipt. This...

Home Office workforce diversity and attendance management information

This data shows the departmental workforce diversity and attendance management information for civil servants employed in the Home Office (including its executive agencies but excluding executive...