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2,006 results found

London's Urban Heat Island - Average Summer

For an urban heat island map during a warm summer [see this dataset.](/dataset/london-s-urban-heat-island) This map shows the results of an ‘UrbClim’ simulation for the mean temperature at...

Species point records from 1982 MBNE Farne Islands sublittoral survey

This report, commisioned by the NCC, outlines the findings of the first year's pilot survey of a three year comprehensive survey of the marine fauna of the Farne Islands being carried out by Marine...

Habitat point records from 1982 MBNE Farne Islands sublittoral survey

This report, commisioned by the NCC, outlines the findings of the first year's pilot survey of a three year comprehensive survey of the marine fauna of the Farne Islands being carried out by Marine...

Visual tracking data, tern species, Coquet Island SPA (2009 to 2011)

This resource includes a series of spreadsheets which provide visual tracking data from Coquet Island Special Protection Area (SPA), for Arctic, common, roseate, and Sandwich terns. The data cover...

Northern Survey of Twins and Multiple Pregnancy

Northern Survey of Twins and Multiple Pregnancy

Multiple ethnic groups (2001 Census)

People living in households of multiple ethnic groups Source: Census 2001 Publisher: Neighbourhood Statistics Geographies: Output Area (OA), Lower Layer Super Output Area (LSOA), Middle Layer...

Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) 2007

Index of Multiple Deprivation 2007: Measure of multiple deprivation at small area level made up of seven domains Source: Communities and Local Government (CLG): ID 2007 Publisher: Neighbourhood...

Article 4 Direction Areas - Houses in Multiple Occupation

City-wide area within which permitted development rights have been removed for changes of use from C3 Dwellinghouses (family/single household occupancy dwellings) to C4 Houses in Multiple...

London’s Urban Heat Island - During A Warm Summer

For an urban heat island map during an average summer [see this dataset.](/dataset/london-s-urban-heat-island---average-summer) A heatwave refers to a prolonged period of unusually hot weather....

Piers and commercial ports - Orkney Islands

This is a dataset depicting all of the Orkney Island's piers including commercial ports as identified in the Draft Orkney Islands Regional Marine Plan

Indicative Ferry Routes - Orkney Islands

This is a line dataset depicting Indicative ferry routes for the ferries servicing the Orkney Islands. Routes are used by Orkney Ferries, Northlink and Pentland Ferries as identified in the Orkney...

Visiting Yacht Moorings - Orkney Islands

Visiting Yacht Moorings (VYM) are deployed by Orkney Islands Council. They are seasonal and only deployed approximately May-October. Note: some VYMs may also be included in the Clyde Cruising Club...

Scanned images of Falkland Islands Mapping

The dataset comprises scanned images of maps and aerial photographs of the Falkland Islands. The original maps are printers films and final paper printed originals of Falkland Islands OS maps,...

Species point records from 1996 MNCR/CCW Bardsey Island littoral survey

Littoral survey around Cafn Enlli, the small harbour on the SE side of Bardsey. Purpose of survey to assess likely impacts of proposed extension to gabions or building of new jetty wall. Survey...

Species point records from 1972 Holme Drakes Island (Plymouth) littoral monitoring

The small degree of human interference and the rather flat rock surfaces on the south side of the island might make this a suitable shore for permanent monitoring.

Species point records from 1994 DWT St.George's Island (Cornwall) littoral survey

This survey was carried out as part of the Marine Nature Conservation Review (MNCR). The MNCR was started in 1987 by the Nature Conservancy Council and subsequent to the Environment Protection Act...

Habitat point records from 1972 Holme Drakes Island (Plymouth) littoral monitoring

The small degree of human interference and the rather flat rock surfaces on the south side of the island might make this a suitable shore for permanent monitoring.

Habitat point records from 1994 DWT St.George's Island (Cornwall) littoral survey

This survey was carried out as part of the Marine Nature Conservation Review (MNCR). The MNCR was started in 1987 by the Nature Conservancy Council and subsequent to the Environment Protection Act...

Habitat point records from 1996 MNCR/CCW Bardsey Island littoral survey

Littoral survey around Cafn Enlli, the small harbour on the SE side of Bardsey. Purpose of survey to assess likely impacts of proposed extension to gabions or building of new jetty wall. Survey...

Northern Ireland Multiple Deprivation Measure 2005

The 2005 Northern Ireland Multiple Deprivation Measure (NIMDM 2005) contains seven domains of deprivation: • Income Deprivation • Employment Deprivation • Health Deprivation and Disability...