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150 results found

FE data library: further education and skills

Information on learners, learning programmes and learner achievement. This includes information on learners who are studying on a course at a further education college, learners studying courses...

Area management - crab and lobster fishery assessment areas in Scotland

For assessment purposes, the Scottish creel fishing grounds are divided into 12 assessment areas. Some Scottish assessment areas extend outside Scottish Territorial Waters. On the east of Scotland...

Northern Ireland Railways NIR Railway Network

The Northern Ireland Railways network consists of approximately 220 route miles. NIR network is divided into the various lines, known as; Dublin Line, Bangor Line, Larne Line, Londonderry Line,...

QICS Paper: Impact of sub-seabed CO2 leakage on macrobenthic community structure and diversity

A sub-seabed release of carbon dioxide (CO2) was conducted to assess the potential impacts of leakage from sub-seabed geological CO2 Capture and Storage CCS) on benthic macrofauna. CO2 gas was...

Cardiovascular Anticipatory Care Screenings

Information on Cardiovascular Anticipatory Care Screenings was published in 2011 and 2012 to support the reporting of a HEAT (Health Improvement, Efficiency, Access to Services and Treatment)...

ONS Postcode Directory (February 2018) User Guide

This User Guide contains information about the ONSPD including: directory content; data currency; the methodology for assigning areas to postcodes; data formats; data quality and limitations and...

National Asthma and COPD Audit Programme (NACAP): COPD clinical audit 2018/19

COPD clinical audit 2018/19 is the third clinical audit report post launch of continuous data collection (on 1 February 2017). It presents data describing the cohort of patients discharged between...

Metropolitan Police Service - Recorded Crime: Force-Level Summaries & Associated Data

Raw data on crime supplied by the Metropolitan Police Service and the Mayors Office for Policing and Crime (MOPAC). Pan-London data includes: - Total Notifiable Offences - Total Victim-based crime...

Phytophthora ramorum Management Zone

An area in south-west Scotland at the heart of a major surge of P. ramorum on larch in 2013 was designated as a Management Zone by the Plant Health (Forestry) (Phytophthora ramorum Management Zone)...

Scottish Water Non-Reported Overflow Event Data 2022 to 2023 Summary

Scottish Water (SW) non-reported overflow event data for overflows that are not reported to SEPA as part of the annual regulatory return. The data file provided contains overflow event data for...

FCA: Consumer investments data review April 2021 – March 202

The FCA summarises its work to tackle consumer harm in the investment market between 1 April 2021 and 31 March 2022. This is the fourth Consumer Investments Data Review. It covers 1 April 2021...

Bus Lane Enforcement - Enforcement Points

Leicester City Council operates a bus lane enforcement scheme to improve public transport reliability, journey times and to encourage sustainable travel.Enforcement points are located at the...

Numbers of Patients Registered at a GP Practice

PLEASE NOTE: Following the consultation on the proposal to stop producing this report, it has been confirmed that this report will continue to be produced by NHS Digital. The format in which it...

How do subduction zones initiate, develop and end: Imaging the Reversal of Subduction in the Solomon Islands (NERC grant NE/M00788X/1)

In this urgency proposal we will deploy seismometers for 1 year to record aftershocks from sequence of 4 major earthquakes with magnitudes between 7.1-7.6. These recordings and other recordings of...

Unemployment benefit claims

This data has been taken from LGInform at data reference ID 5470 The figures show the numbers of people claiming unemployment benefits aged between 25-49 and...

UKCCSRC Call 2 project data: Performance of Flow Meters with Dense Phase CO2 and CCS Recovery Streams

Fiscal metering could face several challenges during CO2 transport by pipelines due to the unusual physical properties of CO2 and CO2 mixtures. Coriolis flowmeters are an options to measure CO2...

FCA: Consumer investments data review April - September 2021

The FCA summarises its work to tackle consumer harm in the investment market between 1 April 2021 and 30 September 2021. The FCA's third consumer investments data review shows how it is being...

QICS Paper: Impact and recovery of pH in marine sediments subject to a temporary carbon dioxide leak

A possible effect of a carbon dioxide leak from an industrial sub-sea floor storage facility, utilised for Carbon Capture and Storage, is that escaping carbon dioxide gas will dissolve in sediment...

Metropolitan Police Service Recorded Crime Figures and Associated Data

Raw data on crime supplied by the Metropolitan Police Service and the Mayors Office for Policing and Crime (MOPAC). Pan-London data includes: - Total Notifiable Offences - Total Victim-based...

Pathological findings in the mass mortality event of saiga antelope, May 2015

Field-pathological findings of 33 saiga antelope carcasses (adults and new-born) found in two sites (Tengiz and Turgai, Kazakhstan) during a mass die-off event in May 2015. In Kazakhstan May 2015,...